Docket Calendar View¶
The Docket Calendar offers daily, weekly or monthly viewing options.
Click on the Docket Calendar icon. The Docket Calendar will open to one of three views: day, week or month.
Click on the appropriate button for the calendar view you would like.
Note: In both the daily and weekly calendar views, an all-day event will appear as a single entry at the top of the particular date it is associated with.
To move forward or backward within any of the three calendar views, use the options listed below:
- Day, Week, or Month: Use the black forward and backward arrow buttons near the top left of the screen.
- Day or Week: To change the selected calendar months listed in the column to the right, click on the small forward or backward arrow next to the name of the top calendar month displayed. Then click on a day or week on any of the calendar months.
- Week: You may specify as to whether you would like to see the work week (Monday through Friday) or the full week (Sunday through Saturday) by clicking on the appropriate circle: Show work week or Show full week.