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Each name and case record has a Notes snap-in. This snap-in acts as a digital notepad, allowing you to write any relevant note about the record that can be viewed later.  Each note records the user who wrote it.

  1. To use the Notes snap-in, simply create a new row by pressing Ctrl+I or clicking the + button.
  2. Once a new row has been added, type the note in the Notes field. To bring up the Text Editor, click on the icon in the Notes field. There are a few other fields available to help when taking notes.

    Field Description
    Notes Type any related notes in this free-text field.
    Date Taken This field will automatically populate with today's date and time. You can change it by selecting a different date and time from the drop-down calendar.
    Taken By This field will automatically populate with your name. You can change the Taken By name by typing different search criteria and clicking the search button or pressing Enter to perform a name lookup.
  3. Save the session.