Payment Schedules¶
JustWare allows you to set up scheduled payments for name records that have outstanding balances on financial obligations. This is particularly useful for collecting payments on name records that owe multiple or large payments.
Payment schedules can be created and edited from both name and case sessions using the Payment Schedule Settings view. To access this view, click Payment Schedule in the Views group.
This view has several parts:
- Main Snap-in: This part of the view allows you to add new payment schedule records and view previously entered records. Additionally, if necessary, the Schedule Exceptions snap-in can be used to create exceptions.
- Payment Pattern Subsection: This area allows you to define how often payments come due for a schedule. For example, a payment could be due every fifteen days, on the first of every month, on the second and fourth Thursdays of every month, etc.
- Payment Schedule Range Subsection: This area allows you to specify the duration of a schedule (e.g., three months, one year, etc.). There are several options for utilizing this feature. JustWare allows you to choose a start and end date, which will calculate the payments needed between those two dates. Alternatively, you can choose how many payments you would like for a name record, and JustWare will calculate the amounts. A third option is to specify the amount that you want to come due for every payment, and JustWare will calculate the final payment due date when the obligation will be paid in full.
Payments made on an obligation will update the calculated future payments for the obligation accordingly.
Creating Payment Schedules¶
Caution: One difference between creating payment schedules in name sessions and case sessions is the need to specify in case sessions the individual for which you would like to create the schedule. In a case session, ensure that the correct case-involved person row in the Case Involved People snap-in is active.
- Open a case or name session.
- In the views dropdown, click either Case Payment Schedule or Name Payment Schedule.
Navigate to the Payment Schedule Settings view.
Tip: If there is only one agency collecting payments, then the Collecting Agency button can be ignored. If multiple agencies are collecting payments, then after schedules have been created you can click on an agency from the drop-down box to view schedules for that particular agency.
Add a new record.
Enter all applicable information in the fields provided.
- Schedule Name: Enter a name for the schedule. This is a free-text field in which you can type any name you would like.
- Priority: Enter a priority for the schedule. (1 is the highest possible priority.) This priority will determine the order in which funds are allocated to different schedules if they have a payment due on the same day.
The remaining fields in the row are read-only and will be automatically populated when the session is saved. 6. In the Payment Pattern area of the snap-in, indicate how often payments will be due.
- Monthly: If this option is selected, you can indicate either a specific day of the month (e.g., the 15th of every month) or a specific day of the week for payments to come due (e.g., the second Tuesday of every month).
- Twice a Month: If selected, you can indicate either specific days for the payments to come due (e.g., the 15th and the 30th day of every month) or specific weeks of the month (e.g., the second Tuesday and the third Wednesday of every month).
- Days: Allows you to set up payments that are due after a specified number of days (e.g., every 12 days).
In the Payment Schedule Range area of the snap-in, indicate when the schedule will begin and end.
Start: Type the date you want the schedule to begin, or select the date from the drop-down calendar.
- End After: If selected, you can indicate how many payments should be made before the schedule ends (e.g., 15 payments).
- End By: If selected, you can type in a specific ending date for the schedule, or select a date from the drop-down calendar.
- End When Paid In Full: If selected, you can specify the amount that you want to come due for every payment in the Payment Amount field. The schedule will end once the individual's obligations are paid in full.
- Click the Obligations snap-in.
A list of outstanding financial obligations for this collecting agency (that are assigned to the current name or primary involved person on the case) is displayed in the snap-in.
In the In Schedule field, check the box if you want the financial obligation to be included in the schedule.
The remaining fields in the row are read-only.
Save the Session. (Click Save button or
Editing A Payment Schedule¶
- In the Payment Schedule Settings view, select the schedule that you wish to edit by clicking the gray box to the left of the schedule's name.
- Make any desired changes to the Schedule Name and Priority fields, as well as to the Payment Pattern and Payment Schedule Range subsections.
- Click the Obligations snap-in.
- Make any desired changes to the financial obligations included in the schedule by checking or clearing the check boxes in the In Schedule column.
- Save the Session. (Click Save button or
Creating Payment Schedule Exceptions¶
Exceptions can be created to alter the amount due on a schedule during specified periods of time. For example, imagine that an individual owes $50 a month. The individual is just starting a new job, however, and will not be able to pay the full amount owed on the first due date. An exception could be created in this case to change the first payment from $50 to $20.
- Click the Schedule Exceptions snap-in in any open case or name session.
- Add a new record.
- Select or type all required and relevant data for each available
field. Some fields may be required while others are not.
- Schedule Name: Select the name of the schedule that you wish to make the exception for.
- Start Date: Type the date you want the schedule exception to begin, or select the date from the drop-down calendar.
- End Date: Type the date you want the schedule exception to end, or select the date from the drop-down calendar.
- Payment Amount: Enter the amount for the date range you specified.
- Save the Session. (Click Save button or