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Code Filtering

Code filtering allows administrators to filter the choices available to users in a particular field based off the value of another field. For example, in the Events snap-in, code filtering could be used to make the choices in the Location field reflect the value selected in the Type field. If a user selected "Substance Abuse" in the Type field, only locations related to substance abuse would be displayed in the Location field, while if they selected "Driver Improvement", only locations related to that type of event would be displayed, etc. The combinations are as versatile as the rules you use. Code filtering can affect any snap-in on the user end.

An example of code filtering in an event snap-in where the event type
of Preliminary Hearing would only allow specific values for

In this example of code filtering, menu options for a Location field are filtered by the selection from the Event Type field. Only locations relevant to the Preliminary Hearing event type are displayed in the drop-down menu for Location. Courtrooms 1-9 and 17-18 are not used for preliminary hearings, so they do not appear.

Code filtering is extremely helpful in integrated justice environments. Users are only presented with options that are relevant to their organization rather than having to sort through all the codes that are used by other organizations.

Finding Code Filtering Configuration

Code Filtering is located in the General Configuration section of the Admin landing page.

The Code Filtering session includes three snap-ins:

  • Sessions: Used to narrow down the snap-ins available in the Code Partition Rules snap-in
  • Code Partition Rules: Used to select the snap-ins and fields to partition
  • Code Partition Inclusions: Used to specify which options will appear in the drop-down menus for the fields specified in the Code Partition Rules snap-in

Creating Code Filters

  1. In the Sessions snap-in, select the session name of the snap-in you wish to filter. The code filtering rule you configure in the following steps will be applied to the selected session.
    • Select the default view session to have the code filtering rule apply to pop-up reminders.
    • If you want the code filtering rule to be applied to another session (or multiple other sessions), configure the code filtering rule using the following steps and then click Copy Record to copy these settings to other sessions. Copy Record only works if the session you are copying the code filtering rule to contains the same snap-ins and fields as the session you are copying from.
  2. Add a new record to the Code Partition Rules snap-in.
  3. Complete the fields as described below:
Field Description
Filter Snap-in Select the snap-in that you wish to filter from the drop-down list.
Filter Field Select the field that you wish to specify inclusions for from the drop-down list. After making a selection, the Filters list in the Code Partition Inclusions snap-in will be populated.
Allow Snap-in Select the dependent or filtering snap-in from the drop-down list. You must either select the same snap-in for both the Filter Snap-in and the Allow Snap-in fields, or select an Allow Snap-in that has a foreign key to the Filter Snap-in.
Allow Field Select the dependent or filtering field from the list. After making a selection, the Allows list in the Code Partition Inclusions snap-in will be populated.
Notes Type any related notes in this free-text field.
  1. In the Code Partition Inclusions snap-in, select a field from the Filters list. The allowed fields must be set for every filter field.

    Tip: You can Control+Click each desired filter field to manage multiple fields or Shift+Click to select entire ranges.

  2. Select the allowed fields in the Allows list. All the selected check boxes are fields that will be allowed when the filter field is selected in JustWare.

    Tip: You can use the Select All and Unselect All buttons to mage your check box selections.

  3. Save the Session. (Click Save button or Ctrl+S)

The specified snap-in fields are now filtered down to the desired menu options.

Using the "Agency of Current User" Filter

In the Filter Snap-in field of the Code Partition Rules snap-in, you will see the Agency of Current User option. If selected, Agency of Current User will be the only option in the Filter Field menu. This option allows the filtering of menu options based on the user's agency. Setting code filtering with this option is useful for multiple agencies using the same JustWare database. Users in different agencies would have access only to their own agency's menu options.