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Understanding Code Tables

In order to add personnel from your agency as JustWare users, it is necessary to add a code for your agency in the Agency code table. This section will introduce you to code tables in general before providing you with the steps to add a code to the Agency code table.

At first glance, it may seem like setting up code tables is an overwhelming task. However, once you have a basic understanding of why code tables are important and how setting them up will make your daily tasks easier, the concept will not feel so overwhelming.

It may help you to consider code tables as the foundation for your database. Once the code tables are established, they can support your JustWare database by providing time-saving, consistent, and appropriate options for your drop-down lists. With code tables in place, you can ease the entry of data into snap-ins and fields. Users will be able to enter only the options that you have preselected. This will help eliminate inconsistencies and inaccuracies in your database.

There are many code tables supporting JustWare. To assist you in setting up the code tables, they have been grouped by subject. This subject matter grouping can be accessed through the Admin landing page.

Note: Advanced users may choose to access the code tables directly through the Code Tables link in the General Configuration group of the Admin landing page. Using this method will list the individual code tables by name and requires more familiarity as to which code tables affect which drop-down lists. As this is not the recommended method for setting up code tables, this method is not outlined in this manual.