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Managing the Request Queue

The process of managing the queue is relatively simple. To manage the queue you must review each request and determine whether you will accept, reject, or leave each request. Follow the steps below to accomplish this.

  1. Navigate to the JusticeWeb Queue by selecting JusticeWeb | Request Queue.
  2. Review each account request. The Payload field will display the information that the user entered as part of the request process. Click on the transform buttons to view the XML in a transformed state. An example of how the payload is transformed to make it easier to read.

  3. Once you have reviewed a request, take one of the following three actions:

    Remember: The actual status names will vary depending on how JusticeWeb has been configured for your implementation.




    Reject the Request

    To reject a request, simply set the Status to Rejected.

    Rejecting a request will delete the row from the Request Queue once you save.

    Accept the Request

    To accept a request, set the Status to Accepted and assign the proper name in the Name field.

    Note: If a name record does not exist for the person making the request, you will need to create a new name record.

    Once you accept a request, have created a name, and save, the request will be deleted from the Request Queue.

    Leave a Request as Queued

    If you do not want to accept or reject a request, leave the status as Queued.

    The row will remain in the Request Queue.

Auto-Approved Requests

By setting the Request Status Code Type to 2 - Approve, JusticeWeb will auto-approve any request of this type. Requests set to auto-approve will not appear in the Request Queue. The JusticeWeb Queue Manager will submit these requests directly into JustWare via the API.

Errors in the Queue

Occasionally requests will appear in the Request Queue with a status of Error. An error will occur if data is unable to be inserted into JustWare through JusticeWeb. For example, if all criteria is not met when inserting a name, it will be returned to the Request Queue as an error. When an error occurs, several things occur:

  • The request is returned to the Request Queue with an Error status.
  • A description of the error will be inserted into the Payload.


  • An email will be sent to the JusticeWeb Administrator (using the email address specified during the JusticeWeb Installation).

When an error occurs, it will need to be fixed before you can change the status to approve. For example, if a request did not include a first name but a first name is required, the request will need to be modified so that it contains a first name. Once the error has been corrected, change the status to Accept and the request will be submitted. Some errors cannot be remedied. To clear errors from the Queue, set the status as Rejected.