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Public Documents

Public Documents is a feature in JusticeWeb to make documents available to users without the need to log in.

  • Administrators can set up how documents can be purchased and delivered as well as how documents can be found and how much each delivery costs.
  • JustWare client users can use the case filing cabinet to mark documents as available to the public.
  • Customers can search for documents through JusticeWeb, select a number of documents and the delivery methods they want to received those documents through, pay for those documents through a single request and payment, and be able to look up the progress of accepted orders.

This topic will walk you through setting up the Public Documents feature for your JustWare and JusticeWeb instance as well as provide examples of how this feature can be used.



  1. Use the Document Setup admin session to select case types, case statuses, and document types that are eligible for public documents. To mark a document as public, the document must be part of a case that has an eligible case type and case status and the document itself is an eligible document type.
  2. Use filing cabinet case sessions with public document support to mark documents as public. The filing cabinet session must be configured to show the "Public" checkbox. See the default case session "Filing Cabinet with Public Documents" as an example. The "Public Document Search" report can be used to quickly search for public documents in JustWare.
  3. Add a new public document customer page in JusticeWeb Page Configuration. Adding a new page of type "Public Document Customer Page" will add a new page with one of every customer field. At least one of each required customer field has be on the page before it can be saved. This page is used to accept customer information during the request checkout.
  4. Add a new public document request in JusticeWeb Request Configuration. Use a request code type of "8 - Public Document". This request needs to have a default queued status of "Approved" and a public document customer page as part of its page ordering before it can be saved. This request will be used when customers click Checkout on the Purchase Review screen. Enabling the "Send Email" setting on the request will send receipt and request summary emails to the public document customer's email address as entered during the request.
  5. Add shipping statuses in the Public Document Search Settings admin session under JusticeWeb. A shipping status describes the state of a single document in an order, such as "Pending", "Printing", "Packaging", and "Shipped". Customers can see the state of each document when they use their order status token to look up an order.
  6. Add delivery methods in the Public Document Search Settings admin session. Delivery methods are an extension of non-case payments and are how customers select how they want their document delivered to them. Delivery methods available on JusticeWeb are filtered to ones whose "Pay To" agency match the collecting agency configured in the next step.
  7. Configured Public Document Search Settings for the JusticeWeb server. Each JusticeWeb server on your JustWare instance can have different settings. You can configured a custom HTML introduction for the search page, what search fields are available, what details of cases and documents are shown, and the maximum number of case search results. The Public Documents section of JusticeWeb will becomes visible when the "Use Public Documents" checkbox is checked, at least one search field and one search result option is enabled, and settings are saved for your JusticeWeb server. Customers can now access the feature through the Public Documents button on the JusticeWeb navigation bar:

Public Documents button on JusticeWeb navigation bar

  • (Optional) Add document type flat rates in the Public Document Search Settings admin session. Document type flat rates are an additional amount that is added to the cost of a delivery for a document of types that are specified here. Configuring flat rates is optional and types without flat rates do not add any additional amount to the delivery method cost.

Example Customer Workflow

  1. The customer navigates to Public Documents on the JusticeWeb server. The search page is shown and the public documents navigation bar is visible: Public Documents sub-navigation bar
  2. The customer uses the search page with details of the case(s) containing documents they're interested in. Executing the search will display a list of matching cases containing public documents.
  3. The customer expands the documents list on the cases they're interested in. When they find a document they're interested in, they select a delivery method and click the Add button. Customers can add up to one delivery of each method for each document. Public Document search results
  4. The customer can execute a different search if they want to find more documents. If they are done searching, they click the Checkout button at the bottom of the page or the Checkout button on the public documents sub-navigation bar at the top of the page to review their selections.
  5. From the Purchase Review screen, they can add or remove delivery methods from the documents they have selected and view the subtotal for their selections. Once they are ready to make their request, they click the Checkout button under the subtotal. Purchase review example
  6. The public document request configured for the server will execute and walk the customer through entering their information as well as payment information through the configured payment portal. The request summary at the end of the request flow will show their order reference #/order status token which they should record.
  7. After the order has been accepted and processed through the queue manager, the customer can use the Check Order section of Public Documents and use the customer last name and order reference number to look up their order status.

Example Employee Workflow

  1. When an order has been successfully processed from the queue manager, a new row appears on the Public Document Orders tool session. New orders enter the system with a "Pending" status. Selecting the order row will update the Order Item and Payment snap-ins with related information.
  2. The employee uses the Order Item snap-ins to see what documents have been ordered and to navigate to the cases containing those documents.
  3. As the employee starts preparing the ordered documents, they can update the order's status to "In Progress" as well as each individual document's shipping status. The customer can see these changes when they check their order on JusticeWeb.
  4. When an order is completed, the employee can set the order's status to "Completed". This removes the order from the Pending Orders snap-in but is still available in the Completed Orders snap-in if further work is necessary.
  5. The "Canceled" or "Expired" status can also be used to remove the order from the Pending Orders snap-in as an indication that the order will not be fulfilled as normal. Refunds can be processed according to the agency's process (e.g. vouchers) and/or with the payment processor.