Request Type Configuration¶
This snap-in container contains two snap-ins that will be used more frequently than the other snap-ins in the Configuration session. Each of these snap-ins are related to the other. For example, the row you are currently focused on in the Requests snap-in determines what information will be shown in the Page Ordering snap-in. When you want to modify data in the Page Ordering snap-in, be sure to select the correct row in the Requests snap-in.
A row in the Request Type snap-in has its own related rows in the Page Ordering snap-in.
- In the Requests snap-in, add a new record.
Enter information in the fields provided. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
Type a code that will be used to identify this Request in the database.
Type the description that will appear for the user.
Code Type
Select the code type from the drop-down list provided:
1 - Account Request: will appear in the top right of the screen, below the username and password fields that are used to sign in. Adding multiple Account Requests will create a drop-down box that will contain all the Account Requests.
2 - Non-case-specific Request: will appear on the right-hand side of the Web site.
3 - Case-specific Request: will appear underneath the case information for each listed case on the Active Cases page. Case-specific Events can also be used to insert data or modify existing data to an existing case. Modifying a Case Type or a Case Status with a request will change the data on the case. Other elements (case notes, case attributes, etc.) will be added to the case without changing existing data. It is important to remember that if the user does not specify a Case Status or Case Type, JusticeWeb will use the first item in the list, which is populated alphabetically.
4 - Download Request: will be listed in the Downloads section, allowing the user to download files for that case. When a user clicks on a file that is associated with a Download Request with no pages, the file will immediately begin to download.
5 - Insert-case Request: provides a way for users to insert cases from JusticeWeb through the JustWare API. To learn more about using the Insert-case Request type, see Inserting Data through Requests.
6 - Payment Request: will appear on the Payments Page and allow users to pay towards financial obligations on their name record in JustWare. Only one Payment Request can be created per JusticeWeb server. This is the request that will be activated when the user clicks the Make Payment button in the Payments section of the JusticeWeb Web site. You cannot have a Base Price, a Non-Collectable Type, or an Online Payment Fee associated with this Request Type. Also, this Request can only have one currency field, which must be visible and required.Payment Requests and Public Payment Requests can be configured like other requests to be approved automatically or go into the Request Queue to await approval. Payment Requests awaiting approval will not be counted towards a persons financial obligations until it has been approved from the Request Queue. Rejecting a Payment Request or a Public Payment Request will not refund the money that has already been taken. If you wish to refund the money to the person that paid it, you will need to work with the payment provider your organization has used to process payments.
7 - Public Payment: will appear on the sidebar. Public Payments requests will be available for users that are not signed in as well as those that are signed in. A Public Payment request is required to have a search page (used for finding cases to pay off obligations). Public Payment requests cannot have a base price, fees, or non-collectable financial type specified.
8 - Public Document: is used with the Public Document feature. This request will execute when the customer clicks Checkout on the Purchase Review screen. This request type requires:
- a default queue status of Approved
- a Public Document Customer page If "Send Email" is enabled, receipt and request summary emails will be sent to the public document customer email address. Each server can have only one Public Document request set up.
JusticeWeb Server
Select the appropriate Web Server from the drop-down list provided. This list is populated from the rows in the JusticeWeb Server Settings snap-in.
Default Queued Status
Select the default queued status from the drop-down box provided. This list is populated from the statuses in the Request Status snap-in. Assign a Default Queued Status for each request type. For example, set the Default Queued Status to Accept to have requests auto-approved. Setting the status to Accept means that all requests of this type will be approved automatically and will not appear in the Request Queue. To have a request be auto approved, set the Default Queued Status on that request as a code type of 2 - Approve. This can be done on any request type.
Approval Event
Select the event that will be associated with the approval of this request type. This list is pulled from the ctblEventSuperType code table and will only show those entries with a code type of 0 - Event.
Approval Event Status
Select the status for the approval event. This list is pulled from the ctblEventStatus code table.
Send Email
Select this checkbox to have an email sent to the JusticeWeb user upon successful completion of a request with a summary.
With public document requests, the email is sent to the customer's address.
Show Summary
Select this checkbox to display a summary of the information entered in the request upon successful completion of a request.
Non-collectable Financial Type
Select a type from the drop-down list provided. This list is compiled from the rows in the Non-collectable Financials code table. Requests with a Base Price of $0 do not require a Non-collectable Financial Type.
Base Price
Specify a price that will be associated with this request. The user will have to pay this amount upon submitting the request in order to have the request accepted. Not all requests need to have a price.
Online Payment Fees
Select any fees that will be applied to this request. These fees are configured in the Fee Configuration snap-in and need to be configured prior to selecting them in this snap-in. These fees will be applied to each purchase made from the JusticeWeb Web site that uses this Request Type. A description of all the fees on a Request Type will be displayed on the last page of the request before the user selects "Pay and Submit."
Fees will not be applied to a purchase being made by a person who belongs to a Bill Me Billing Type. Billing Types are set on the Case Involvement Type Code Table in JustWare | System Administration | Code Tables | Agencies | Case Involvement Type.
When a Request Type with fees is merged with another Request Type, those fees will be transferred with the merge.
Approval Document
By specifying a document type in this drop down, a document will be inserted to the case or name record (depending on the type of request) after successful completion of a request. The document will be the same as the payload that is created and visible in the JusticeWeb Request Queue.
Leave this drop down blank to not have this document be inserted into the Filing Cabinet.
Save the Session. (Click Save button or
Deleting Requests: Once a request is created, it cannot be deleted but must instead be merged with an existing request. If request B is being merged into request A, the request will retain the pages associated with request A and remove the pages for request B. Requests can only be merged with requests of the same type. Request Summaries: At the end of each request, the user will receive a summary of the information that entered for the request. That summary will also be emailed to the email associated with their account. For requests with payments, the summary will only appear after a successful payment. |
Page Ordering¶
Requests can span multiple pages, and you can define the order the pages appear in. This is done using the Page Ordering Snap-in in JusticeWeb System Administration | Configuration | Request Type Configuration. JusticeWeb requests can consist of one page or a series of pages, with each page leading to the next. You can also establish a branch system, guiding the user through the request pages according to what they select.
Each request page can be customized as well as the order and sequencing of the request pages.
This page ordering can be configured in the Page Ordering snap-in. Use the following steps to configure the page ordering:
- Select the Request where you will be adding your newly created pages. You may need to create a new Request if you have not yet created one that matches your pages.
- In the Page Ordering snap-in under Request Type Configuration, add new pages as needed. In the example above, you would add four new pages. Make sure that the focus is on the correct request type in the Requests snap-in above.
Add each page as a row in the Page Ordering snap-in. To do this navigate to the Page Ordering snap-in and by add a new record.add a new record.
Field Description Page Enter a number to designate the page order. You may have multiple pages with the same number to designate multiple options, as illustrated in the diagram above. However, you cannot have multiple start pages. Page Type Select a page type from the drop-down list. Page types are only available after you have created them in the Page Configuration snap-in container. Title Type a page title. You can use HTML to customize the appearance of the title; however, it is suggested that you do not use HTML on pages that will be submitted to the Request Queue because the Payload Transform does not render HTML. Parent Button Label Type a button title that will appear next to the radio button on the request page. This should only be done on pages that have been configured to have radio buttons. You can use HTML to customize this. Radio buttons will appear in alphabetical order, with the default being the page that does not have a next page assigned to it. For example, a "Decline" button that would terminate the request process. Allow Submit Check this box for the final page to place a Submit button on the page, or Pay and Submit if there is a price associated with the request, allowing the user to submit the information entered to the Web site. Once the user submits, the request is finished. Next Page Type a number to designate which page(s) will follow this page in the sequencing. Leave blank if this is the last page. -
Save the Session. (Click Save button or
Creating loops in your requests¶
Using the Page Ordering snap-in, you can allow the user to repeat steps (entering children) without creating separate pages. This is useful for process where the number of items submitted will vary from user to user. Loops can be included at any spot in the request process.
The example below demonstrates how creating looping requests is accomplished.
This demonstrates how a request with looping would appear in the Page Ordering snap-in.
This is an illustration of how a request with looping would appear on the JusticeWeb Web site. Remember that loops can occur at any point in the request.