Using Hyperlinks¶
A hyperlink, contained in a session or report, is a link to another session or report containing relevant information. Once clicked, a hyperlink (appearing as blue, underlined text) opens the referenced session or report.
Activate a hyperlink using one of the following methods:
Method 1
- Move your mouse pointer over the hyperlinked text. The mouse pointer changes into a hand pointer, and a tooltip reading "View/Edit (Name or Case)" appears.
- Click the hyperlink.
Method 2
- Move your focus (the current highlighted field) to the hyperlinked text by pressing Tab. When a hyperlink is in focus, it will change from blue to red.
- Press Enter.
Using hyperlinks is helpful in the navigation of related names, cases, and reports.
Note: Some hyperlinks open records in a particular view. Other hyperlinks open records in the default view set for that record type in the Default View Settings. If there is no view set for that record type, the default view is used.
You can do any of the following with hyperlinks:
- Open a view of a name or case record from a list of search results.
- Open a case session listed under the Case Involvements | Case Title snap-in of any open name session. Case Titles automatically become hyperlinks when a case has been successfully added, so you can click the hyperlink or press Enter to open a linked case.
- Open a name session for a person listed under the Case Involved People | Name snap-in of any open case session. Names automatically become hyperlinks when they are successfully added, so you can click the hyperlink or press Enter to open a linked name.
- Open a case session for a case related to the current case under the Related Cases | Case Description snap-in of any open case session. Case Descriptions automatically become hyperlinks when a case has been successfully added, so you can open a linked case by clicking the hyperlink or pressing Enter.
Tip: If your focus is highlighting a box containing a hyperlink, begin typing or press the Right Arrow key to deactivate the hyperlink and change to edit mode. After making changes, press Enter to perform a new look-up. When a new name or case has been selected, it will once again become a hyperlink.