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Business Rule Editor Snap-In

The Business Rule Editor Snap-in consists of the navigation controls at the top of the snap-in, several required settings, the Workflow Editor, and the Activity Pane.

Current Record/Grid View Button:

Click this button Grid
Icon or press Ctrl+G to switch between Current Record View and Grid View.

  • Current Record View: Allows you to edit the business rule using the Workflow Editor.
  • Grid View: Allows a quick view of available business rules. You cannot edit rules in this view, but you can highlight a rule and switch to Current Record View to edit that rule.

Snap-in Navigation Buttons:

These buttons allow you to navigate through all available business rules, add/delete rules, and cancel edits and filters.

![Toolbar](BusinessRulesSnapinToo lbar_335x24.png)

Start Type:

Specifies whether the business rule starts before or after the database is updated, or on a schedule.

  • After Update: Runs the business rule after the database is updated.
  • Batch: Runs the business rule on a schedule.
  • Before Update: Runs the business rule before the database is updated. This is particularly useful in validating data before it is saved in the database in order to prevent bad data from being entered into the system.

Workflow Name:

Assigns a name to the business rule for easy reference.


Makes the business rule active. If this box is not selected, the business rule will not run.

Wait for Execution:

Select the box to run business rules synchronously, so that a rule is completed before any other action takes place. Clear the box to allow business rules to run asynchronously, so that rules can run in the background while other actions are taking place.

Note: If this checkbox is unchecked, the results of the business rule will not show up in the user's session after a save. For example, if a case event is added in a business rule, the event may not show up on the case when the user saves. The user would need to refresh the case session at a later time to see the event created by the business rule.

Execution Type:

Specify when the business rule runs:

  • JusticeBroker: The business rule runs after data is submitted through JusticeBroker.
  • JustWare: The business rule runs after data is submitted through JustWare.
  • JustWare API: The business rule runs after data is submitted through the JustWare API.

Note: Execution Type is only relevant for non-batched workflows and will not affect batched workflows.

Adding Activities to Workflows

To add an activity to a workflow, click and drag an activity from the Activity Pane to the Workflow Editor.

Workflow Editor

The Workflow Editor is the area where business rules are actually created. You can drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule.

Note: The activities listed in the Activity Pane will vary depending on the Start Type selected.

The Workflow Editor places activities in a sequential workflow diagram for a quick overview of the business rule. An example is shown below:

Business Rules Trigger and Result

Activity Pane

The Activity Pane contains all of the available activities that define what a business rule accomplishes. Note: This list is filtered by the selection made in the Start Type field.

To add an activity to the workflow, click and drag it from the Activity Pane into the desired location in the Workflow Editor.

The following activities can be used in business rules: