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Deleting a Name Record

Recommendation: Deleting a name record is an action that should be carefully considered prior to its execution. For example, deleting a name record will delete the following associated information if it exists:

  • address
  • correspondence
  • email
  • event
  • name attribute
  • note
  • payment
  • phone
  • related person

  • Search for a name record.

    If a name record is returned in the results of your search and the name is also involved in a case record that is returned in the results of your search, the case record will be indented under the name record.

    In the search results of a Quick Search, case and name records are both displayed with a case or name icon that appears to the left of each result. Name records matching your search criteria are given higher priority than case records.

    Available name record views appear as green hyperlinks below each result. Click the green link to open the name record in that view. If you click the blue name title hyperlink, the name record opens in the default view set for that Name Type in the Default View Settings.

  • From a name record, Press Ctrl+Delete, select Delete Name from the Actions group, or select File | Delete Name from the Menu toolbar.

    A dialog box appears to confirm the deletion.

  • Click Yes.

    The record is deleted.


  • Deleting a name record is permanent and cannot be undone.
  • Permissions to delete a name record are usually limited to only a few administrative personnel.
  • You cannot delete a name record if it has an account tied to it or if it has at least one payment.
  • You cannot delete a name record if Application Person information exists for the name.
  • You cannot delete a name record if the name is selected as an Account Owner in the Agency code table.
  • You cannot delete name records that have case involvements. To delete a name record that has case involvements, you must open each case and either delete the case or remove the person's involvement.