Preparing Names for Barcoding¶
In order to assign cases/exhibits to name records, the name records must be designated in JustWare as those that can be assigned cases and exhibits. Name records can represent a person, a room, a filing cabinet, or any other physical location. You can authorize name records to have cases/exhibits assigned to them by creating a name record, if one does not already exist, and then by following these steps:
- Create an attribute in the Name Attributes code table with a MasterCode of 1-Assignable Location. This step, if it has not already been done, should be completed by your JustWare Administrator.
Authorize the name record to have cases and exhibits assigned to them.
- Click the Attributes snap-in in the name session.
Select an attribute from the Name Attributes drop-down menu that allows a name record to have cases/exhibits assigned to it. (This is an attribute that has an associated MasterCode of 1-Assignable Location.
Tip: If you do not know which name attributes allow a name record to have cases/exhibits assigned to them, ask your JustWare Administrator to provide you with that information.
Save the session.
Print out the Barcode Masterlist Case and Exhibit Owners Report.
This report is a quick reference that lists all name records, both persons and physical locations, that may have cases/exhibits assigned to them, as well as their barcodes. Having this list on hand allows for quick reference during the location assignment process.
- Open the Reports landing page.
- Select Barcode Masterlist Case and Exhibit Owners from the list of system reports.
- Click the Print on the Report toolbar. The standard print dialog box will open.