Public Document Orders¶
The Public Documents Orders tool allows you to manage orders placed by customers through the public documents feature of JusticeWeb.
- Review and update customer details and statuses of orders.
- See the documents that consist an order. See each item's delivery method, update their shipping status, and open the case associated with that document.
- Review and work with the payment associated with the public document order.
- Search for completed and cancelled orders and bring their status back to in progress when needed.
With this tool, you can manage the entire lifespan of of an order, from setting an order to "In Progress", accessing the order's associated documents and preparing them for delivery, setting each individual document's shipping status, and then declaring an order as complete.
Pending and Completed Orders¶
The session has two main snap-in tabs with similar layouts:
- Pending Orders lists public document orders with a status of "Pending" and "In Progress".
- Completed Orders lists public document orders with a status of "Completed", "Canceled", and "Expired" accepted within a timespan configured at the top of the snap-in.
In each tab, the top half of the screen lists public document orders. The bottom half of the screen can show the selected order's associated documents, the associated JustWare payment record, and associated non-collectable financials.
The Orders snap-in lists public document orders. Use this snap-in to review or update an order's status, its order status token, or the associated customer's information.
Each row is associated with a single order and has the following fields:
- Order Status: The current status of the public document order. There are five possible values: Pending, In Progress, Completed, Canceled, and Expired. It is up to your agency how these values are used in your workflow. This status is shown when a customer looks up this order on JusticeWeb using their last name and order status token.
- Special Instructions: Miscellaneous instructions or notes about the order from the customer as they were checking out.
- Email: The customer's email address. This field is required.
- First: The customer's first name.
- Last: The customer's last name. This field is required.
- Address: The customer's street adress. This field is required.
- City: The city portion of the customer's address. This field is required.
- State: The state portion of the customer's address. This field is required.
- ZIP: The ZIP code of the customer's address. This field is required.
- Phone: The customer's phone number. This field is required.
- Notes: Type any related notes in this free-text field. Information in this field is only modified from JustWare and not during the order checkout process.
- Order Status Token: This unique token is generated at the time the order request is submitted. Customers can use this as an order reference number in combination with their last name to look up order information from JusticeWeb. This field is not editable.
- Request Summary: Review customer and order information in the JusticeWeb request summary like what a customer would see when they complete their order. This field is not editable.
Order Items¶
The Order Items snap-in displays the documents associated with the order selected in the Order snap-in. This snap-in is available with both Pending Orders and Completed Orders.
Each row is associated with a single order item/document on the order and has the following fields:
- Document Name: The name of the ordered document. Clicking on its name will open a session for the case the document is contained in. This field is not editable.
- Shipping Status: The state of the document for the selected order. Available values are configured by the JusticeWeb administrator. The status is shown alongside the document name when a customer looks up this order on JusticeWeb using their last name and order status token.
As a workflow example, using example status values, a new order sets its documents in a "Pending" status. A clerk working on preparing and packaging the document can set the document to an "In Progress" status. When the document has been shipped, the clerk can place the document in a "Shipped" status.
- Notes: Type any related notes in this free-text field. Information in this field is only modified from JustWare and not during the order checkout process.
- Shipping Method: The shipping method for the document as selected by the customer. This field is not editable.
- Delivery Type: The type of delivery the shipping method represents. This field is not editable.
Payment Information¶
The Payment Information snap-in displays the JustWare payment associated with the order selected in the Order snap-in. Free public document orders will not have an associated payment. This snap-in is available with both Pending Orders and Completed Orders.
This snap-in contains the following fields:
- Status: A drop-down menu that allows you to set the status for a payment.
- Notes: Displays any notes related to the payment.
- Reference Number: Displays the reference number that was recorded with the payment. This number can be used for a variety of reasons, including check numbers, transaction numbers, etc.
- Received By: Displays the name of the user that received the payment.
- Type: Displays the method of payment that was used for the payment.
- Amount: Displays the total amount of the payment.
- Agency: Displays the name of the Collecting Agency that took the payment.
- Date Received: Displays the date the payment was taken.
- Payer: Displays the name record that is linked to the payment. On public document orders this field is not required so the field may be blank.
- Receipt Number: A hyperlinked Receipt Number that will open the receipt when clicked.
Non-Collectable Information¶
The Non-Collectable Information snap-in displays non-collectable financial events associated with the order selected in the Order snap-in. These records have more details about any associated fees the transaction may have had. Free public document orders will not have an associated non-collectable financial event. This snap-in is available with both Pending Orders and Completed Orders.
The Successful Payment column will have a value if the payment was successful; otherwise, the value will be 0.