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ZIP Code Auto Fill

The ZIP Code Auto Fill Rules snap-in can be populated with United States' and Canadian ZIP code information. This information is then used to auto populate City and State fields in the Address snap-ins. City and State fields will not be populated or changed by the ZIP code if they are already populated or one of the fields combined with the ZIP code does not match a rule. A default ZIP code can be set in the instance that a ZIP code contains several cities or spans multiple states. An extended ZIP (ZIP + 4 numbers) can used for more detail. Note: Users without access to System Administration can view the ZIP Codes System Report to look up ZIP codes by City, State, or ZIP.

Fnding the ZIP Code Auto Fill Rules Snap-In

Go to the Admin Landing Page by clicking on the Admin tab in the top bar. Click on General Configuration (in the left hand bar) -> ZIP Code Auto Fill. Tip: Use the ZIP Code, City, and State fields in the search snap-in at the top of the screen to find ZIP code information (once it has been entered). You can use a wildcard (*) character to perform these searches.

Creating ZIP Code Auto Fill Rules

  1. Add a new record.
  2. Select or type all required and relevant data for each available field. Some fields may be required while others are not.
    • ZIP Code: Required field based off US and Canadian Postal codes.
    • City: Type in the city that is associated with the ZIP code. This city will populate an empty City field of an address when the ZIP code is entered.
    • State: Select the state that is associated with the ZIP code. This state will be selected from the State drop-down list of an address when the ZIP code is entered.
    • Default: Select this box to set the ZIP code as the default in the event that this ZIP code is associated with multiple cities and/or states. Only one ZIP code rule based off a ZIP code can be set to a default at a time. Setting a rule as a default will clear the current default.
    • Notes: Type any related notes in this free-text field.
  3. Save the Session. (Click Save button or Ctrl+S)

Importing ZIP Code Auto Fill Rules

Zip codes can be imported via various delimited value file types through the use of SQL scripting. When importing ZIP codes with one of these file types, it is important to note that all fields in the database table must be represented but only ZIP, Default, and either City or State are required. The other fields can be left blank but still need to be delimited. The Default field can be populated with either a 0 for false or 1 for true. Once imported, the defaults can be easily set by selecting the Default checkbox under Code Tables | Names| ZIP Code Auto Fill Rules. Default can be changed at anytime. In the event ZIP code is broken into separate fields, ZIP and the +4 code need to be combined into one field for import with the "-" between the ZIP code and the +4. Delimited file types can be edited quickly in many spreadsheet applications and then exported to a Comma Separated Values or CSV file. ZIP codes may have "ND" (non-deliverable) in the +4 section. This would need be replaced with "00". Taking the time to format the import values will make importing easier. Please visit the online help to see an example of an import script. A sample import script is provided below along with a sample ZIP code CSV file.

     Here is a sample from a purchased ZIP code packages CSV file.


     Here is a sample script based off the format of the above data.

     DECLARE @Include5Digit bit
     DECLARE @Include9Digit bit
     DECLARE @IncludeCanada bit
     DECLARE @ExpandPlus4Ranges bit
     DECLARE @Filter9DigitByState varchar(MAX)
     DECLARE @TruncateZipCodeTable bit
     DECLARE @USCsvFilePath varchar(255)
     DECLARE @CanadaCsvFilePath varchar(255)
     * Configuration
     SET @USCsvFilePath = 'C:\9-digit Basic.csv'
     SET @CanadaCsvFilePath = 'C:\6-digit Basic.csv'
     SET @IncludeCanada = 1
     SET @Include5Digit = 1
     SET @Include9Digit = 1
     SET @ExpandPlus4Ranges = 0
     SET @Filter9DigitByState = null --This can be a comma separated list of state abbreviations ('UT,AZ,NV,ID,CO'). Set to null to import all states
     SET @TruncateZipCodeTable = 1
     * Script
     RAISERROR('Preparing for import...', 10,1) WITH NOWAIT
     IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [tempdb].sys.objects WHERE [type] = 'U' and [object_id] = object_id(N'tempdb..#ZipCodeImportOptions'))
     DROP TABLE #ZipCodeImportOptions
     CREATE TABLE #ZipCodeImportOptions
     Include5Digit bit,
     Include9Digit bit,
     IncludeCanada bit,
     ExpandPlus4Ranges bit,
     Filter9DigitByState VARCHAR(MAX),
     TruncateZipCodeTable bit,
     USCsvFilePath varchar(255),
     CanadaCsvFilePath varchar(255)
     INSERT INTO #ZipCodeImportOptions VALUES (@Include5Digit, @Include9Digit, @IncludeCanada, @ExpandPlus4Ranges, @Filter9DigitByState, @TruncateZipCodeTable, @USCsvFilePath, @CanadaCsvFilePath)
     IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE [name] = N'Gen4Digits' AND [type] = 'TF')
     DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[Gen4Digits]
     CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Gen4Digits]
     (@plus4 VARCHAR(7), @range VARCHAR(6)) RETURNS @t TABLE
     (FourDigit int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, FourDigitZip VARCHAR(7))
     INSERT @t
     SELECT CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(@plus4) = 1 THEN CAST(@plus4 as int) ELSE 0 END, RIGHT('0000' + RTRIM(LTRIM(@plus4)),4)

     IF ISNUMERIC(@plus4) = 0 OR ISNUMERIC(@range) = 0 RETURN

     DECLARE @StartNumber int
     DECLARE @MaxRowNumber int

     SET @StartNumber = CAST(@plus4 as int)
     SET @MaxRowNumber = @StartNumber + CAST(@range AS int)

     INSERT @t
     SELECT t.FourDigit + x.MaxRowNum, RIGHT('0000' + CAST((t.FourDigit + x.MaxRowNum) AS VARCHAR(4)),4) FROM @t t
     CROSS JOIN (SELECT MAX(FourDigit) - @StartNumber + 1 AS MaxRowNum FROM @t) x
     WHERE t.FourDigit <= @MaxRowNumber - x.MaxRowNum
     IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[admZipCodeAutoFill]') AND name = N'IX_admZipCodeAutoFill_Zip')
     DROP INDEX [IX_admZipCodeAutoFill_Zip] ON [dbo].[admZipCodeAutoFill] WITH ( ONLINE = OFF )
     DECLARE @Include5Digit bit
     DECLARE @Include9Digit bit
     DECLARE @IncludeCanada bit
     DECLARE @ExpandPlus4Ranges bit
     DECLARE @Filter9DigitByState VARCHAR(MAX)
     DECLARE @TruncateZipCodeTable bit
     DECLARE @USCsvFilePath VARCHAR(255)
     DECLARE @CanadaCsvFilePath varchar(255)
     SELECT @Include5Digit = Include5Digit,
     @Include9Digit = Include9Digit,
     @IncludeCanada = IncludeCanada,
     @ExpandPlus4Ranges = ExpandPlus4Ranges,
     @Filter9DigitByState = Filter9DigitByState,
     @TruncateZipCodeTable = TruncateZipCodeTable,
     @USCsvFilePath = USCsvFilePath,
     @CanadaCsvFilePath = CanadaCsvFilePath
     FROM #ZipCodeImportOptions
     IF @TruncateZipCodeTable = 1
     RAISERROR('Truncating admZipCodeAutoFill table...', 10,1) WITH NOWAIT
     TRUNCATE TABLE admZipCodeAutoFill
     IF @Include5Digit = 1 OR @Include9Digit = 1
     IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [tempdb].sys.objects WHERE [type] = 'U' and [object_id] = object_id(N'tempdb..#USZipCodeDownloadImport'))
     DROP TABLE #USZipCodeDownloadImport
     CREATE TABLE #USZipCodeDownloadImport
     ZIPCode VARCHAR(7),
     Plus4 VARCHAR(6),
     [Range] VARCHAR(7),
     CityName VARCHAR(64),
     StateAbbr VARCHAR(4)

     DECLARE @usBulkImport VARCHAR(MAX) =
     'BULK INSERT #USZipCodeDownloadImport
     FROM ''' + @USCsvFilePath +
     ''' WITH
     FIRSTROW = 2,
     ROWTERMINATOR = ''\n''
     RAISERROR('Importing US zip code data...', 10,1) WITH NOWAIT
     EXEC (@usBulkImport)

     RAISERROR('Scrubbing data...', 10,1) WITH NOWAIT
     UPDATE #USZipCodeDownloadImport -- If data comtains double quotes this will remove them.
     ZIPCode = REPLACE(ZIPCode, '"', ''),
     Plus4 = REPLACE(Plus4, '"', ''),
     [Range] = REPLACE([Range], '"', ''),
     CityName = REPLACE(CityName, '"', ''),
     StateAbbr = REPLACE(StateAbbr, '"', '')
     -- Makes sure all state abbreviations exsist. Otherwise the script fails,
     -- If this fails update your ctblState table with the correct codes.
     INSERT INTO ctblState (Code, [Description])
     SELECT DISTINCT StateAbbr, StateAbbr FROM #USZipCodeDownloadImport z
     WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ctblState WHERE Code = z.StateAbbr)
     IF @Include5Digit = 1
     RAISERROR('Inserting 5 digit zip codes into admZipCodeAutoFill...', 10,1) WITH NOWAIT
     INSERT INTO admZipCodeAutoFill (Zip, City, [State], [Default])
     SELECT DISTINCT ZIPCode, CityName, StateAbbr, 0 FROM #USZipCodeDownloadImport
     IF @Include9Digit = 1
     DECLARE @FilterByState TABLE (StateAbbr CHAR(2))
     INSERT INTO @FilterByState
     SELECT Items FROM dbo.Split(@Filter9DigitByState, ',')

     IF @ExpandPlus4Ranges = 1
     RAISERROR('Inserting 9 digit zip codes with plus4 expansion into admZipCodeAutoFill...', 10,1) WITH NOWAIT
     INSERT INTO admZipCodeAutoFill (Zip, City, [State], [Default])
     SELECT z.ZIPCode + '-' + f.FourDigitZip, z.CityName, z.StateAbbr, 0 FROM #USZipCodeDownloadImport z
     CROSS APPLY dbo.Gen4Digits(z.Plus4, z.[Range]) f
     WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @FilterByState) = 0
     OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @FilterByState WHERE StateAbbr = z.StateAbbr)
     RAISERROR('Inserting 9 digit zip codes without plus4 expansion into admZipCodeAutoFill...', 10,1) WITH NOWAIT
     INSERT INTO admZipCodeAutoFill (Zip, City, [State], [Default])
     SELECT z.ZIPCode + '-' + z.Plus4, z.CityName, z.StateAbbr, 0 FROM #USZipCodeDownloadImport z
     WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @FilterByState) = 0
     OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @FilterByState WHERE StateAbbr = z.StateAbbr)
     IF @IncludeCanada = 1
     IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [tempdb].sys.objects WHERE [type] = 'U' and [object_id] = object_id(N'tempdb..#CanadaZipCodeDownloadImport'))
     DROP TABLE #CanadaZipCodeDownloadImport
     CREATE TABLE #CanadaZipCodeDownloadImport
     PostalCode VARCHAR(20),
     CityName VARCHAR(255),
     ProvinceAbbr VARCHAR(5)
     DECLARE @canadaBulkImport VARCHAR(MAX) =
     'BULK INSERT #CanadaZipCodeDownloadImport
     FROM ''' + @CanadaCsvFilePath +
     ''' WITH
     FIRSTROW = 2,
     ROWTERMINATOR = ''\n''

     RAISERROR('Importing Canada zip code data...', 10,1) WITH NOWAIT
     EXEC (@canadaBulkImport)
     RAISERROR('Inserting Canada province abbreviations into ctblState...', 10,1) WITH NOWAIT
     INSERT INTO ctblState (Code, [Description])
     SELECT DISTINCT ProvinceAbbr, ProvinceAbbr FROM #CanadaZipCodeDownloadImport c
     WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ctblState WHERE Code = c.ProvinceAbbr)

     RAISERROR('Inserting Canada zip codes into admZipCodeAutoFill...', 10,1) WITH NOWAIT
     INSERT INTO admZipCodeAutoFill (Zip, City, [State], [Default]) --What is the default??
     SELECT PostalCode, CityName, ProvinceAbbr, 0 FROM #CanadaZipCodeDownloadImport
     RAISERROR('Cleaning up...', 10,1) WITH NOWAIT
     IF OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Gen4Digits]','FN') IS NOT NULL
     DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[Gen4Digits]
     IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [tempdb].sys.objects WHERE [type] = 'U' and [object_id] = object_id(N'tempdb..#ZipCodeImportOptions'))
     DROP TABLE #ZipCodeImportOptions
     IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [tempdb].sys.objects WHERE [type] = 'U' and [object_id] = object_id(N'tempdb..#USZipCodeDownloadImport'))
     DROP TABLE #USZipCodeDownloadImport
     IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [tempdb].sys.objects WHERE [type] = 'U' and [object_id] = object_id(N'tempdb..#CanadaZipCodeDownloadImport'))
     DROP TABLE #CanadaZipCodeDownloadImport
     RAISERROR('Recreating index on admZipCodeAutoFill table for Zip column...', 10,1) WITH NOWAIT
     CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_admZipCodeAutoFill_Zip] ON [dbo].[admZipCodeAutoFill]
     [Zip] ASC