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Docket Management

The Docket Management is found under the Tools tab in the Navigation bar, then under the Docket Tools section in the Left Bar.

Docket Management is a function that enables you to create and manage the scheduling of Calendar Dockets. Specific start and end dates, as well as times, can be specified. You can schedule dockets to occur regularly on a weekly or monthly basis. For a weekly schedule, you can choose to have the same docket occur on multiple days of the week. For a monthly schedule, you are able to skip months. For example, you could have a docket occur once every three months.

Using Docket Management, you define a specific docket name. Within this docket name, you specify the instance type, such as "arraignment." The capacity is set as to how many events may occur within the specified time period for the docket. For example, you may limit the number of arraignments during the day to 12.

Create a New Docket

  1. In the Tools landing page, navigate to Docket Tools > Docket Management.
  2. Add a new record.
  3. Select or type all required and relevant data for each available field. Some fields may be required while others are not.

    • Docket Name: Type a name for the docket.
    • Start Date: Specify the start date by typing a date using numerals, or by selecting a date from the calendar provided in the drop-down menu. You can use the arrows at the top to move between months.
    • End Date: Specify the end date by typing a date or selecting a date from the calendar provided in the drop-down menu. To learn how to extend the end date of an existing docket, see the Edit an Existing Docket section below.
    • Letter Range: Type the alphabetical range you would like to use to limit which cases are added to this Calendar Docket. Choose the range by typing the first letter of the last name with which you want to begin the range. Then type the first letter of the last name with which you want to end the range. For example, if you wanted to choose all of the cases where the last name of the Primary Involved Person begins with the letter "A" through "L," the range you would type in is "A-L."
    • Active: By default, this option is selected, making the docket active. If you would like the docket to be inactive, clear the check mark. An active docket is one that is currently scheduled, meaning that events can be automatically added to it. An inactive docket is one to which you cannot automatically add events. Note: When a docket is made inactive, any future events remaining on the docket will remain scheduled.
    • Capacity: Type the number of events that can occur within each Docket Instance in this Calendar Docket. Only specific numbers can be typed in this field.
    • Location: Specify a location for the docket instances from the drop-down menu provided.
    • Instance Type: Specify a docket Instance Type by selecting from the drop-down menu provided. This menu can be configured to meet the needs of your organization. Examples of Instance Types might include Morning and Afternoon dockets, Traffic Court dockets, Cache County docket, or Monday-Wednesday-Friday dockets and Tuesday-Thursday dockets.
    • Start Time: Type the time the docket will begin.
    • End Time: Type the time the docket will end.
    • Show As All Day: Select this box to specify that the entire workday should be reserved (e.g., 8:00AM to 5:00PM).
    • Docket Instances: Specify how often you would like the Docket Instances to occur. By default, the instances will be scheduled to occur every week.
      • Weekly
        1. Click the Weekly radio button.
        2. Type a number in the "Every" box to indicate how often the Docket Instances in this Calendar Docket should occur. For example, if you wanted this instance to occur every week, type "1".
        3. Specify which day(s) of the week the Docket Instances in this Calendar Docket should occur. Click on the box(es) next to the appropriate day(s) of the week you would like to select.
      • Monthly
        1. Click the Monthly radio button.
        2. In the first drop-down box, select the week for the Docket Instance to occur. For example, you would select "first" to have the Docket Instance scheduled for the first week of the month.
        3. In the next drop-down box, select the day for this Docket Instance to occur. For example, you would select "Friday" to have the Docket Instance scheduled on a Friday.
        4. In the next box, type the number months to pass before the instance repeats. For example, if you would like the instance to occur every month, type in "1." If you would like the instance to occur every two months, type in "2."
  4. On the bottom half of the screen, click the Criteria snap-in. From this snap-in you can customize your Calendar Docket by specifying which types of cases, events, and agencies can be in this Docket.

    Within the [Criteria]{.uicontrol} snap-in container there are three additional snap-ins:

    • Case Types: Select which case types are allowed in this Docket.
    • Event Types: Select which event types are allowed in this Docket.
    • Agencies: Select which agencies are allowed in this Docket. All of the agencies in the database are listed. It is recommended that you select agencies with record rows in the Agencies snap-in of the case records.

    Note: The Case Types, Event Types, and Agencies snap-ins each have all the choices listed selected by default. To clear all the choices on each of the three snap-ins, click the Unselect All button on each snap-in. Then select each box desired. For example, if you created a Docket for only Traffic incidents, you can select the Traffic box in the Case Types snap-in.

  5. Click the Docket Instances snap-in. This snap-in is used to modify individual Docket Instances without changing the entire Docket.

    For example, if a Docket Instance is scheduled for Friday but the Judge assigned is unable to attend, you can change the date for that particular Docket Instance, or you can assign a new Judge just for that Instance. The Docket Instances snap-in contains the following snap-ins:

    • Docket Instances: A list of all the Docket Instances within the Docket.
    • Instance Involved Names: A list of all the names involved on the instance selected in the Docket Instances snap-in above.

    Use these two snap-ins to make any desired changes to docket instances.

  6. From the Docket Involved Names snap-in you can add or change the people involved on the docket. This snap-in will change the involved names for the entire Docket, as opposed to just one Docket Instance. To add a new involved person, add a new record. Complete the fields provided.

    CAUTION: To change a Docket Involved Name, select the row of the name you want to change, and type the new name in the Involved Person field. Adding a new row only adds a new name to the Docket and will not remove a name.

  7. Save the session.

Note: Once you have saved your newly created Calendar Docket, you will be unable to edit some of the fields in the Docket Management snap-in. See the Edit an Existing Docket section for details on editing a saved docket.

After saving, the Docket Calendar snap-in shows a view of the actual Docket Calendar with your scheduled Docket Instances. From this Docket Calendar you can move Docket Instances by clicking and dragging.

Edit an Existing Docket

To make changes to an existing docket, follow these steps.

  1. In the Tools landing page, navigate to Docket Tools > Docket Management.
  2. In the Calendar Dockets snap-in, all current dockets are listed. Past dockets are listed in the Past Calendar Dockets snap-in. To view a docket in Current Record view, click the hyperlinked name of the docket.You can edit any of the following fields for any current or past docket:

Can edit after saving

  • Docket Name
  • End Date: You can extend the end date of an existing docket and JustWare will create new instances following the current schedule to extend out to the new end date. If the end date was in the past, the new instances will be scheduled from today onward. The End Date cannot be changed to an earlier date, however. To shorten a docket, it is suggested that you either deactivate the current one and create a new one with the desired end date, or manually delete the undesired instances from the remaining time in the current docket.
  • Active
  • Letter Range
  • Capacity
  • Location
  • Instance Type
  • Show As All Day
  • Criteria snap-in group:
    • Case Types snap-in
    • Event Types snap-in
    • Agencies snap-in

Cannot edit after saving

The following fields cannot be edited after the docket has been saved. This prohibits users from changing to the schedule of a previously scheduled Calendar Docket.

  • Start Date
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Docket Instances section