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Page Configuration

The Page Configuration snap-in is where you will create the individual pages that will be used in a JusticeWeb Request. You must create pages before you can add those pages to a request. The Page Configuration snap-in is located in the Configuration section of JusticeWeb System Administration.

For more information how to configure requests, see Creating Account Requests and Creating Requests.

Page Configuration Snap-in Layout

In order to work effectively in the Page Configuration snap-in, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the layout. )



1. Pages Tab

The Pages tab is divided up into two sections:

  • Existing Pages: a list of all existing pages
  • Page Properties: configure properties for the entire page

2. Add a Field Tab

Contains a list of all available fields that can be added to a JusticeWeb request page. Click and drag fields from this tab to the Page Creation window.

The Add a Field tab is broken into three sections:

  • Fields located in the Case Fields section of the Add a Field tab can be used to insert data into a case record.
  • Fields located in the Name Fields section of the Add a Field tab can be used to insert data into a name record.

    To insert a case through a JusticeWeb request, you must use the Insert-case request. To insert a name you must use a Name Page in the request. To learn more about inserting data into JustWare through JusticeWeb, see Inserting Data Through Requests.

  • Miscellaneous fields are not mapped to database tables in JustWare. It is recommend that when possible, you use Field Types that are mapped to tables in JustWare to ensure that data is mapped to database tables in JustWare.

3. Field Properties

Each field on your page can be configured using the fields in this tab.

4. Page Preview

This area displays a preview of what your page will look like. Drag fields onto this area to create your page.

Creating Pages

  1. Select the New Page button in the middle of the screen or in the top left to create a new page. A new page will be added to the Existing Pages window, and the Page Creation window will be cleared.
  2. In the Properties window, configure the page by specifying the following fields:




    Type in the name of the page. When creating a new page, this will display the words "New Page." Change this as desired. Be sure to make this as descriptive as possible. This will be the title that appears when adding pages in the Page Ordering snap-in.

    Code Type

    Select the code type from the drop-down. This will determine what kind of page you are creating:

    • 1 - Generic Page: Used to receive a user's input and create the payload.

    • 2 - Name Page: Used for inserting a name into JustWare.

    • 3 - User Information Page: Used to populate name fields with the information from the JusticeWeb user's account. This can save the JusticeWeb user time by not making them add their own information multiple times. When used with an Insert Case Request, the user's name record will be updated with any additional name information provided by the user during the request. It is required to have an Involve Type field when using this page in an Insert Case Request.

    • 4 - Payment Page: Payment pages are used to allow users to make payments towards their JustWare financial obligations. These payments are taken on the Payments tab on the JusticeWeb website. The Payment Page requires a Payment Amount control.

    • 5 - Search Page: Search pages are used to allow the user to enter a few pieces of information and have their case opened so they can perform an action on that case, such as paying obligations. A search page must contain two Search Fields. For example, a Case Number and Last Name search field. This is used to ensure that only one case is returned with the search. Additional, non-search fields can be added to a search page, however, they will not be included in the search criteria. Adding additional fields will allow for gathering information that will be placed in the payload. For example, adding a First Name field from the Name Fields category will not narrow down the search by the name typed in this field.

    • 6 - Name Search Page: Used for searching for Name Obligations using a last name and assigned PIN. The Last Name and Name PIN fields are required.

    • 7 - Public Document Customer Customer Page: Used for accepting customer information during the checkout sequence for Public Documents. This page type has specialized fields for customer information that must be used so that JusticeWeb can process these requests successfully. Public Document Email Address, Last Name, Address, and Phone Number are required. Public Document First Name and Special Instructions fields are optional.

  3. Once you have configured the page properties, you can now start adding fields to your new page. Select the Add a Field tab to display a list of possible fields that can be added to a page. Add a new field by clicking and dragging, or just clicking, a field from the Add a Field tab onto the Page Creation window. The new field will be displayed.

    See Available Fields for a list of fields that can be added and their uses.

  4. Click on the new field in the Page Creation window to open the Field Properties tab, which allows you to configure that field. You can configure each field by using the following fields:

    Note: Some properties are dependent on which field is selected. Not all properties will apply to every field. Fields are listed in alphabetical order, not the order which they appear on screen.



    Field Type

    Select the field type for the field to enforce data entry standards. For example, on a Phone Number field, select Home. This allows JustWare to recognize a phone number entered by a user as a Home phone number. Select multiple field types to provide the user with a drop-down box so they can select what type of phone number they are entering.

    If you do not set a field type, data entered into that field cannot be inserting into the corresponding snap-in field in JustWare. For example, if you do not set a field type on an attribute, that attribute will not be added to the name or case record. The user would still be able to enter an attribute value, but it will only appear in the payload for that request.

    Remember, some fields, such as Last Name and First Name, have a field type already selected to make the process easier. A field without a field type selected will have a warning icon displayed in the Page Creation window.

    Click on "more" to further configure field types. To learn more about configuring field types, see Configuring Field Types.

    Display Type

    Specify which display type will be used for the fields in the selected group. Display types determine how a group is displayed and used on the JusticeWeb Web site. For example, you can specify attributes to be displayed as check boxes or a drop down combo box.

    Changes will be reflected in the Page Preview.

    • Default: Use the default control type for the fields in the selected group.
    • Check Box: Display fields in the selected group as check boxes.

    This property is only available on group fields, such as Attributes and Events.

    Notification Code

    Type an identifier that will be used to identify this field for notification purposes. It is recommended to be as specific as possible when entering a Code, as this will be used when creating notifications. The Code can contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores. Blank spaces are not allowed.


    Selecting this box will require the user to complete this field before continuing to the next page. If you do not want to force the user to complete this field, leave this box empty.


    Type the title that will appear on the JusticeWeb request for this field.


    Select this box to make the field active, which will make it appear on the page.

    When you hide a field, any value selected in the Field Types property will be included with the request. For example, if you are creating a request to add a case, you could include a Case Status field with one field type of Pending. Then, if you do not wish the user to be able to pick or even know about the case status, hide this field by clearing the Visible check box. This would enforce that any case inserted through this request would be inserted with a Pending case status.

    When working with group fields, you may choose to hide a child element of the group and have no data inserted with the hidden field. For example, if you add a Case Attribute, but do not want the Attribute Value available for the user, you can hide the Value field. If you do not want any data to be inserted for the value, clear the Field Types field, leaving it blank. Leaving the Field Type blank will cause a caution icon to appear, but in certain situations this may be desirable, like the example above.

    It is advised to not hide fields that have multiple Field Types selected.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each field you add to the page.

  6. Save the Session. (Click Save button or Ctrl+S)

Note: If you create a request that inserts a case, and that request has
a field to allow the user to specify a case number, this number
will override any auto-generated case numbers. If you want to use the auto-generated case number, do not have an agency number
field on the request.

Available Fields

The following fields are available to be used in a JusticeWeb Request Page:

Name Fields

Each field in the Name Fields section can be tied and linked back to a field in a JustWare name record. Name information will only get updated when these fields are used in an Insert Case Request.



First Name

Used to enter a first name. Automatically tied to the First Name field in JustWare.

Last Name

Used to enter a last name. Automatically tied to the Last Name field in JustWare.

Middle Name

Used to enter a middle name. Automatically tied to the Middle Name field in JustWare

Date of Birth

Used to enter a date of birth. This field is automatically tied to the Date of Birth field in JustWare.


Used to enter a name address, such as home.


Used to enter a name email.


Used to enter a name phone number.

Payment Amount

Used to enter the amount that will be inserted as a payment into JustWare. When this field is added, three radio buttons will be added:

  • Minimum Due: the amount for the next payment.
  • Account Balance: the obligation total by the JusticeWeb user.
  • Other: a free-text field that allows the user to enter any amount they want. It must have a value greater than 0.00.

By using the Visible checkbox this control can be configured to only show the options you want available. For example, the Other field can be hidden to enforce that at least the minimum must be paid.


Used to enter a name number. Name numbers are numbers that are linked to a name record, such as a social security number or a driver's license number.

Involve Type

Used to add an involve type for the name record being added to a case. This field does not show up on a name record, but instead is displayed on a case record where this name is listed as an involved party.

In order for this field to work correctly, it must be on a Name Page or a User Information Page on an Insert Case Request Type. Adding it to a different page will cause the data to only be inserted into the payload and not into a case record.

Case Fields

Each field in the Case Fields section can be tied and linked back to a field in a JustWare case record.




Used to involve an agency on a case.

Tip: You can also set the lead flag from this field


Used to enter an attribute on a case.

When you add an attribute a Coded Attribute Value will be added as a child field. To use Coded Attribute Values, select only one Attribute, then select the desires Coded Attribute Values for that Attribute.

The Field Type drop-down menu will be blank for each of the following reasons:

  • You have more than one Attribute selected.
  • You have no Attributes selected.
  • The Attribute has no Coded Values in the database.

Tip: Select Check Box to have the attribute displayed as a check box, making it easier on the JusticeWeb User. This works best with only one Attribute selected in the Field Types drop-down menu.

Case Status

Used to enter a case status when creating a case.

Tip: Hide this field to have all cases inserted through a request be inserted with the same case status.

Case Type

Used to enter a case type.

Tip: Hide this field to have all cases inserted through a request be inserted with the same case type.


Used to enter a charge.

Unlike other entities, Charges can only be assigned one Field Type. If you wish to include more than one charge per request, add additional Charge entities.


Used to add a new correspondence to a case.

When this field is added, several sub fields will be added. These fields can be hidden depending on the information your organization wants.

If a user does not specify a field that has defaults in JustWare (Category), those defaults will be used when the correspondence is added to JustWare.


Used to add a new event to a case.

When this field is added, several sub fields will be added. These fields can be hidden depending on the information your organization wants.

If a user does not specify a field that has defaults in JustWare (Duration, Start Date, Category), those defaults will be used when the event is added to JustWare.

When the currency fields are required, they must have a value greater than 0.00.


Used to allow a JusticeWeb User to upload a file to a case filing cabinet. Files will only be attached to a case filing cabinet when using an Insert Case Request or a Case-specific Request. Modify the Web.config to control what file types will be allowed.































If you fail to specify a Field Type for a Case File field, the file will not be added to a filing cabinet in JustWare.

Involve Type

Used to add an involve type for the name record being added to a case.

In order for this field to work correctly, it must be on a Name Page or a User Information Page on an Insert Case Request Type. Adding it to a different page will cause the data to only be inserted into the payload and not into a case record.


Used to allow the JusticeWeb User submit case notes to a case.


Used to add a new task to a case.

When this field is added, several sub fields will be added. These fields can be hidden depending on the information your organization wants.

If a user does not specify a field that has defaults in JustWare (Category), those defaults will be used when the task is added to JustWare.

The JusticeWeb Queue Manager user needs permissions to the API admin JWXML.

Miscellaneous Fields

Miscellaneous fields are not tied to a field in JustWare. These fields will only populate the payload. It is recommended to use Name and Case fields where possible.




Allows for plain text entry of an address.


Forces the user to enter text from an image before continuing. This is used to protect Web sites from automated computer programs trying to attack the Web site. A CAPTCHA field type is always required, even when the Required check box is not selected.

In order for this field to function properly, CAPTCHA must be configured using the JusticeWeb Installer.

See Using CAPTCHA for more information.


Give you the ability to create a drop down with custom items. To use this field correctly, you must click on more and add additional rows in the Field Type Properties dialog box, then change the title of each line to match what you want to appear in the drop down.

Combo and Text

This has the same functionality as the Combo field, only it also adds a single line text entry field for further clarification from the user.


Allows for entry a date.


Allows for plain text entry of an email address.


Allows for the display of text on a request page.

Tip: Use this field to display instructions where additional help may be needed to clarify your request page.

Past Date

Allows for the selection of a date in the past, such as a date of birth.


Allows for plain text entry of a phone number.

Multi-line text

Gives the JusticeWeb User an area to enter free text.

Request Summary

Inserting this field into a request will summarize for the user what information they have entered up to that point. This field may be used at any point during a request, but using it at the end of the request will allow the user to review the entire request.

Single-line Text

Gives the JusticeWeb User a single line in which to enter free text.


Allows for entry of a time.

Search Fields

Search fields are only available for Search Pages. These fields give the user the ability to search for an element in JustWare. For example, using the Case Number search field to allow the user to search on a citation number to pay a ticket.

Search fields do not return search results, instead they are used to find a single result.

Search pages require two search fields. There cannot be duplicate Field Types on a search page.

Field Description
Case Numbers Use this field to specify which number you will allow the user to search for. For example, citation or ticket number.
Last Name This field is used to allow the user to enter their Last Name so their case can be returned.
Public Document Fields

Public Document Fields are only available for Public Document Customer page types. These fields should be used to correctly accept customer information for public document orders as part of the payload. Fields are separated between required field and optional field groups.

Required Field Description
Email Address Used to enter the customer email address. In public document requests configured to send email, this address will be used for receipt and request summary emails.
Last Name Used to enter the customer's last name.
Address Used to enter the customer's shipping address.
Phone Number Used to enter the customer's phone number.
Optional Field Description
First Name Used to enter the customer's first name.
Special Instructions Used to enter any special instructions on handling the public document order from the customer.

Configuring Field Types

Most often you will only need to select field types from the Field Properties drop-down box in the Field Properties tab. However, you can further configure field types by clicking on the more link next to the Field Type drop-down box. Selecting this will open the Field Type Properties dialog box. In this dialog box, you can add field types by using the drop-down box and Add Field Types button at the top. Each field type will be listed in the Field Types box.

Select a field type to display the properties for that field type. By using the Title field, you can change what the title of this field type will be for the JusticeWeb user. For example, if you selected Work Phone as your field type, you can change this to Business Phone on the request by using the Title field.

If you have only selected one Field Type, the title of the field will be the title specified on the Field Properties tab, not the title in Field Type Properties.

Defaults in JusticeWeb

JusticeWeb is built to allow your organization to set default values to fields. Defaults can be used to provide information without the user having to enter. For example, Requests for entering Traffic cases can be configured to have a Case Type of Traffic selected without making the user select a Case Type.

TextBox, TextArea, Currency, and Duration Defaults

For these types of fields, defaults can be set by using the following steps. For example, this can be done to force all events entered by a user to be 1 hour.

  1. Click the More button next to the Field Types drop-down menu.
  2. Modify the Title to be the default you desire.
  3. Click Done.

If you do not want any default to be associated with the field, ensure that no field types are selected in the Field Types drop-down menu.

Drop-Down Menus

To default a drop-down menu (Case Type), select a value in the Field Type drop-down menu and clear the Visible checkbox. For example, if you selected Case Type and selected Traffic as the Field Type, then hide the field, a Traffic Case Type would be included in the payload when the user completes the request.

Configuring Group Fields

Group fields are fields that can have multiple data entry elements. For example, Events would be a group field because the user can enter is a start date, event type, location, etc. When adding group fields to a request page, all the child elements for that group field are added. You can specify which fields will be available for the user by hiding parts of the group fields. When you click on a group field, all the other fields in that group will be highlighted as well.

Each individual field on a group will contain a Group Properties section in the Properties tab. These Group Properties apply to all the fields in the group.

To configure the fields within in a group field, click on each individual field and use the Field Properties tab. You can also hide fields from the group. For example, you want the user to be able to select an event type and a location, but the start date is a set date that does not change, you can hide start date from the page.


CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a useful tool to ensure that a request is coming from an actual user and not an automated computer program attacking the Web site. This would be an important feature to add to an account request. To use CAPTCHA, add a CAPTCHA Field Type on a page. The user will be forced to complete the CAPTCHA before they can continue to the next page.

When a CAPTCHA is used on a Search Page, the user will only be asked to complete the CAPTCHA once if they are successful. The user can search multiple times but will only need to complete one CAPTCHA.

The CAPTCHA tool comes with several features that make the experience easier for the user:

Label Description
Text Image This is the image that should be typed by the user in the Text Field.
Reload Click this button to change the Text Image to a different one.
Audio Click this button to hear an audio recording of the words in the Text Image.
Text Field This is the field where the user will type the text they see in the Text Image.
Help Click this button to receive additional help.