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Menu Toolbar

JustWare's menu toolbar works much like the menu toolbars of other Windows programs. You can click a menu option or press its shortcut key (for example, Alt+F displays the File menu) to see a drop-down list of menu options that provide commands, another level of menus, or dialog boxes. Many menu options have shortcut keys, such as Ctrl+S for the File | Save option.


The File menu lists available actions for the current session.

Menu Option Description
Actions group The Actions group contains all actions that can be performed in the current session. These actions vary depending on the active session. Common actions, available depending on your permissions, include the following: Save, New, Delete, Merge, Copy, Refresh and Close Session.These actions are also available in the [Actions]{.uicontrol} group of the Explorer Toolbar.
Change Logon Log on to JustWare as a different user. Changing logons may not be available if Integrated Security is active.
Exit Click to exit JustWare.

The Search menu allows you to choose a search method for finding and opening a name or case record.

Menu Option Description
Case Search Search the JustWare database and filter results by case.
Name Search Search the JustWare database and filter results by name.
Document Search Search for documents using keywords or document title.
Advanced Case Search Search for cases using more refined search parameters. Results will appear in an easy-to-use, expandable/collapsible report view.
Advanced Name Search Search for names using more refined search parameters. Results will appear in an easy-to-use, expandable/collapsible report view. Each search is numbered with a unique letter. You can access a search by clicking it or by pressing Alt + S + Letter of Desired Search
Public Document Search Search for documents that are marked as public.


Use this menu to engage the help. The Help menu contains several helpful resources including online help, applicable JustWare manuals in PDF format, a link to the Journal Technologies Web site, and information about the current JustWare release.