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Examples of Auto Generated Name Numbers

Because auto-generated name numbers are so customizable, a few examples have been provided to show how custom name numbers could be created.

Example #1

This example shows how to create a name number that is structured as follows: Date - Separator - Auto-Increment Part (02042010-001).

  1. Create an Auto-Increment Part Type: In the Auto Name Number Increment Type code table, create a new row and fill out the following fields:
    • Code: Type AI for "Auto Increment".
    • Description: Type AutoInc.
    • Starting Number: Type 1 to start the counting at 1.
    • Reset Schedule: Select 1 - Daily from the drop-down list for the counting to restart every day.
    • Auto Increment Type: Select 0 - Globally to use this Increment Part throughout JustWare, despite which agency and name types are used.
    • Fixed Auto-Increment Digit(s): Type 3 to display three digits.
  2. Save the session:Save the session to use this new code.
  3. Create a new Auto Name Number Template:In the Auto Name Number Templates snap-in, add a new record by clicking the Add New Record button or pressing Ctrl+I. Fill out the following fields to create your new Auto Name Number Template:
    • Name: Type Name Number to act as the name of your new Auto Name Number Template. This will act as a unique identifier for this template, but it will not show up anywhere else in JustWare.
    • Number Type: Select Custom Name Number 1. This is the Number Type that this template will be associated with. This is the name that will appear in the Numbers snap-in in a Name Record session.
  4. Specify which agencies will utilize this template:In the Generate Number for the Following Agencies snap-in, add rows for the agencies you want to use this Auto Name Number Template.
  5. Configure the parts that will combine to make the new Auto Name Number Template:In the Auto Name Number Part snap-in, you will create the parts that will combine to make the new name number. Add a new row and fill out the following fields to configure this part:
    • Position: Type 1 to make this part the first part.
    • Type: Select Date to make this part the date.
    • DATE and TEXT Format: Type ddmmyyyy to format the date as day/month/year.
  6. Add another part: Add another row for a new part and fill out the following fields to configure this part:
    • Position: Type 2 to make this the second part.
    • Type: Select Free Text to make this fixed text.
    • DATE and TEXT Format: Type - for the free text to appear as a "-". You could type any text in this field, such as district numbers, court numbers, etc.
  7. Add a third part:Add another row for a new part and fill out the following fields to configure this part:
    • Position: Type 3 to make this the third part.
    • Type: Select AutoInc to make this a sequential number.
    • DATE and TEXT Format: Leave this field blank.
  8. Save the session

Example #2

This example will show a name number that is structured as follows: Text - Auto Increment (NDT001).

  1. Create a new Auto Name Number Template: In the Auto Name Number Templates snap-in, add a new record and fill out the following fields to create a new Auto Name Number Template:
    • Name: Type NDT Number for the name of the new Auto Name Number Template. This will act as a unique identifier for this template, but it will not show up anywhere else in JustWare.
    • Number Type: Select Custom Name Number 2. This is the Number Type that this template will be associated with. This is the name that will appear in the Numbers snap-in in a Name Record session.
  2. Specify which agencies will utilize this template:In the Generate Number for the Following Agencies snap-in, add rows for the agencies you want to use this Auto Name Number Template.
  3. Configure the parts that will combine to make the new Auto Name Number Template:In the Auto Name Number Part snap-in, you will create the parts that will combine to make the new name number. Add a new row and fill out the following fields to configure this part:
    • Position: Type 1 to make this part the first part.
    • Type: Select Text to make this part the text.
    • DATE and TEXT Format: Type NDT to have those letters appear at the start of each number.
  4. Add another part: Add another row for a new part and fill out the following fields to configure this part:
    • Position: Type 2 to make this the second part.
    • Type: Select AutoInc to make this an auto increment number.
    • DATE and TEXT Format: Leave this field blank.
  5. Save the session

Example #3

This example shows a name number that is structured as follows: Day - Text - Month - Text - Year - Text - Auto-Increment (12DayOf4Month2009-00001). This example is more complex to show the capabilities of JustWare's Auto Name Number Generation feature and how it can be configured to match any format.

  1. Create a new Auto Name Number Template: In the Auto Name Number Templates snap-in, add a new record and fill out the following fields to create a new Auto Name Number Template:
    • Name: Type Date Number, or any other name desired, to act as the name of your new Auto Name Number Template. This will act as a unique identifier for this template, but it will not show up anywhere else in JustWare.
    • Number Type: Select Custom Name Number 3, or any custom name number that is not being used. This is the Number Type that this template will be associated with. This is the name that will appear in the Numberssnap-in in a Name Record session.
  2. Specify which agencies will utilize this template:In the Generate Number for the Following Agencies snap-in, add rows for the agencies you want to use this Auto Name Number Template.
  3. Create the parts that will combine to make the new Auto Name Number Template:In the Auto Name Number Part snap-in, add a new row and fill out the following fields to configure this part:
    • Position: Type 1 to make this part the first part.
    • Type: Select Date to make this part the date.
    • DATE and TEXT Format: Type dd to show only the day.
  4. Add a second part:Add another row for a new part and fill out the following fields to configure this part:
    • Position: Type 2 to make this the second part.
    • Type: Select Free Text to make this fixed text.
    • DATE and TEXT Format: Type DayOf to have the free text appear as "DayOf". You could type any text in this field, such as district numbers, court numbers, etc.
  5. Add a third part:Add another row for a new part and fill out the following fields to configure this part:
    • Position: Type 3 to make this the third part.
    • Type: Select Date to make this a date.
    • DATE and TEXT Format: Type mm to only display the month.
  6. Add a fourth part:Add another row for a new part and fill out the following fields to configure this part:
    • Position: Type 4 to make this the fourth part.
    • Type: Select Free Text to make this a date.
    • DATE and TEXT Format: Type Month.
  7. Add a fifth part:Add another row for a new part and fill out the following fields to configure this part:
    • Position: Type 5 to make this the fifth part.
    • Type: Select Date to make this a date.
    • DATE and TEXT Format: Type yyyy to only display the year in this part.
  8. Add a sixth part:Add another row for a new part and fill out the following fields to configure this part:
    • Position: Type 6 to make this the sixth part.
    • Type: Select Free Text.
    • DATE and TEXT Format: Type -to act as a separator.
  9. Add a seventh part: Add another row for a new part and fill out the following fields to configure this part:
    • Position: Type 7 to make this the seventh part.
    • Type: Select AutoInc to make this a sequential number that resets daily. Make sure that this type is configured to reset daily in the Auto Name Number Increment Type code table.
    • DATE and TEXT Format: Leave this field blank.
  10. Save the session