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Creating Discovery Packets

To compile a discovery packet, you will need to be on a case session in JustWare. Before a discovery packet can be created, the following conditions must be met in ctblEventSuperType in order to create a discovery packet:

  • You must have a code type of 2 - Document.
  • You must have a mastercode of 5 - File Packet.
  • The document lock type must be set to Read Only.

These codes may have customized names by your organization. Contact your JustWare Administrator to make sure what the custom names are.

  1. Navigate to the Discovery Packets snap-in in the Discovery Packet Creation snap-in container on a case session.
  2. Add a new record.
  3. Enter information in the fields provided. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.



    Document Type

    Select a document type from the drop-down list provided.

    Discovery Title

    Type a title for this discovery packet. The title must be unique.

    Compression Type

    Select a compression type that will be used when the packet is created:

    • Unencrypted Zip: This is the standard zipping option that can be unzipped with the Windows Zip Utility that comes with Windows. It is unsecured.
    • Encrypted Zip (ZC 96): A zip file encrypted with a 96-bit key that is compatible with all zip utilities but is less secure than other options.
    • Encrypted Zip (AES 256): A stronger encryption than ZC 96, but not supported by Windows Zip Utility.
    • Unencrypted 7z: Has the best compression of all the options but needs 7-zip to open. It is not secure.
    • Encrypted 7z (AES 256): Has the best compression and best security of all the options but requires 7-zip to open.
    • Unknown: This option will inhibit you from creating a packet. DO NOT use this option when creating a new packet.


    Select the request type that will be used to download this packet. This list consists of all requests with a mastercode of 4 - Discovery in the JusticeWeb Requests snap-in. In order for a packet to be available online, you must specify a request.

    Activation Date

    Specify the date and time that the packet will become active and appear on JusticeWeb.

    Expiration Date

    Specify the date and time that the packet will expire, meaning it can no longer be downloaded from JusticeWeb.


    The key to decrypt this packet will be generated in this field after the packet has been created if you selected a compression type that utilizes encryption.

  4. Click the File Selection snap-in.

  5. In the File Selection snap-in select all the files that will be used to make this packet by using the Selected field. Only files that are in the Filing Cabinet and have a document lock type of Read Only will be available in the File Selection snap-in. Filing Cabinet files that have a mastercode of 5 - Packet will not appear in this snap-in.
  6. Provide a unit amount in the Units field for each file you selected.

    IMPORTANT: Be sure to do this before you create the packet, as you will be unable to change this field afterwards. This number will be used when calculating the cost of download for this discovery packet. The units can be configured to represent different unit types for different file types. For example, on a pdf document, units could signify page count, whereas on a video file, units could mean minutes of video or file size.

  7. Save the session.

Saving will create the packet. Once you have created a packet, multiple things happen:

  • Your discovery packet will be created and listed in the Discovery Packets snap-in and in the Filing Cabinet.
  • A Packet Creation Event is created. Go to the Events snap-in to view the event that was created.
  • Each individual file in the discovery packet is marked as being included in discovery with the "Packet Involvements" field in the Filing Cabinet.


  • Once a discovery packet is created, you will not be able to modify the contents of that packet.
  • When a discovery packet is deleted, all Document Involved People and Packet Creation Events will also be deleted with the packet. The individual files that were used to create the packet will not be affected.
  • One document can be used in multiple packets.
  • Discovery packets cannot contain other discovery packets.
  • You can use the Agency User Logging system report to view any actions that have been made to a discovery packet.
  • Encryption types can be customized by using JWXML. Contact your JustWare Administrator for customizing the JWXML.
  • Creating a discovery packet takes a couple of minutes, depending on the size of the files. Some files may be big enough that they trigger a Web Service Timeout. If this happens, talk to your JustWare Administrator about modifying the "Web Service Timeout" setting in the Maintenance Console.