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Business Rule Examples

The following examples illustrate several ways business rules can be configured to automate workflows in an agency.

Note: These examples refer to specific fields, snap-ins, or codes that you may not have configured in your database. Consequently, it is recommended to use these examples as a guide as to how different activities work. These examples can assist you in the creation of your own business rules that will meet your organization's specific needs.

CaseAttributeTrigger, Case Involved Person Result ("Add Specialist Attorney to Hate Crimes")

The CaseInvPersResult activity can be configured to add a specific case involved person to certain types of cases. The following trigger, result, and non-scheduled workflows add a prosecuting attorney to any hate crime cases.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select After Update. The business rule does not fire until after the trigger activity has been executed and the record has been saved.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. CaseAttributeTrigger
  2. CaseInvPersResult

Case Involved Person Result business

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.


Field Description
Case Attribute Select Hate Crime.
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule will trigger when a case is created with the attribute of "Hate Crime," or when that attribute is added to a case.


Field Description
Involvement Select Prosecuting Attorney.
Agency Select the agency of the prosecuting attorney.
Location Select the name of the prosecuting attorney to be added.
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

The CaseInvPersResult will add the prosecuting attorney as a case involved person.

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select
case:Attributes Insert, Update

The business rule adds the specified prosecuting attorney to any cases with the attribute of "Hate Crime".

CompareAgainstStatuteAttribute, SendNotificationEmail ("Notify Supervisor When Sentence Exceeds Maximum")

Business rules can be configured to generate an event when a field value does not meet the criteria defined by the statute attribute value. The following activities and non-batched workflow would be specified to send an email notification to a supervisor when a user enters a sentence that exceeds the maximum duration defined by the statute attribute. A status bar message is not displayed to the user, and the user is permitted to save the sentence duration.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select Before Update. The business rule fires before the database is updated.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Clear this box so that the client does not wait for the business rule activity to fire.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. CompareAgainstStatuteAttribute
  2. SendNotificationEmail

Compare Against Statute

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.




Snap-in Name

Select the Sentence snap-in.

Field Name

Type in AmountFrom.


Select the Greater Than operator.


Select a statute attribute to use for the comparison. In this example, select Max Duration (Duration).


Ensure that the check box is selected.

If the comparison generates a "true" response, the SendNotificationEmail activity is executed. If the comparison generates a "false" response, the business rule ends.





Specify the template that will be used for the notification email. This is a required field.

Email Address

Type the email address that the notification email will be sent to by the business rule. This is a required field.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The notification email is sent to the specified email address when the sentence duration is greater than the statute attribute value.

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select
case:Sentence Insert

The business rule runs when the sentence duration is inserted.

CountTrigger, FinancialObligationResult #1 ("Parking Ticket with Overdue Fee")

Certain statutes may require the same fee each time someone is charged with them. The following trigger, result, and business rule criteria would be specified to automatically create a financial obligation when a charge is created with a specific statute.

Specifically, this "Parking Ticket" example involves a scenario in which a ticket is $15 (the base fine) if it is paid on the same day it is issued, but the amount increases by $10 per day it is overdue. The business rule takes the occurred date on the count that the trigger is using and calculates the number of days it is overdue. The financial obligation at that point will be the number of days past the occurred date, multiplied by ten and added to the base fine amount).

Note: The FinancialObligation will only use the first statute entered in the CountTrigger. Subsequent statute records entered are ignored.

Caution: Before setting up a business rule with a financial obligation result:

  • Make sure a default collecting agency is set up for the type of financial obligation you are using in the Financial Obligation Type code table.
  • Make sure that the default collecting agency is an Account Owner in the Agency code table.
  • Make sure that the default collecting agency has default accounts created in the Agency Accounts Accounting Tools session.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select After Update. The business rule does not fire until after the trigger activity has been executed and the record has been saved.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. CountTrigger
  2. FinancialObligationResult

CountTrigger-FinancialObligation Business

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.





Perform a statute lookup to locate the applicable statute. (In this example, this would be a parking violation statute.)


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule is triggered when a charge record is inserted with the selected statute.





Select the applicable financial obligation type. In this example, select Base Fine.

Collecting Agency

Select the agency that will be collecting funds for the obligation, or leave this field blank to use the default agency for the Type already selected.

Calculated Override Amount (T-SQL)

This field can be used to enter a T-SQL calculation to specify an amount that will override the Default Amount and Simple Override Amount based on the specified data and variables.

In this example, type the following:



WHEN ca.IncidentDt1 > GETDATE() THEN 15.00

WHEN 100 < (10.00 * DATEDIFF(dd, ca.IncidentDt1, GETDATE())) + 15.00 THEN 100

ELSE (10.00 * DATEDIFF(dd, ca.IncidentDt1, GETDATE())) + 15.00


FROM devCaseInvPers cip

INNER JOIN devInvolveType it ON it.Code = cip.Involvement

INNER JOIN devCountInvPers ccip ON ccip.CaseInvPersID = cip.CaseInvPersID

INNER JOIN devCount ca ON ca.CountID = ccip.CountID

WHERE ccip.CaseID = @RootID

AND it.Mastercode = 1

AND ca.IncidentDt1 IS NOT NULL

Default Amount

This is the amount specified for each financial obligation in the Financial Obligations code table. This read-only section is auto-filled once you specify the financial obligation type. It will only be used if the Default Percent, Simple Override Amount, and Calculated Override Amount are blank.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The date of the incident is compared to the date that the obligation is to be paid. The amount due is adjusted accordingly.

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select
case:Charge Insert

When a charge is inserted, the occurred date is compared to the date the obligation is to be paid to calculate the correct amount due.

CountTrigger, CountInvPersResult ("Add Plantiff As Count Involvement")

The CountInvPersResult activity can be configured to add a specific case involved person to counts of certain statute types as they are added to a case. The following trigger, result, and non-scheduled workflow adds the plantiff as a count involvement as the count is added.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select After Update. The business rule does not fire until after the trigger activity has been executed and the record has been saved.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. CountTrigger
  2. CountInvPersTrigger

CountTrigger-FinancialObligation Business

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.





Perform a statute lookup to locate the applicable statute. When a count is added that is set with this statute, the trigger will fire.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule will trigger when a count is inserted with the selected statute.




Involvement Type

Select the involvement type(s) of those on the case that will be involved on the count. For this example, 'Plantiff' would be selected.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The result will find all those involved on the case for that count whose type matches 'Plantiff' and is added as an involvement for that count.

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select
case:Charge Insert

When a count is inserted whose statute matches the selected type in the CountTrigger, all those involved on that count's case as 'Plantiff' will also be involved on the incoming count.

CountTrigger, FinancialObligationResult #2 ("Out-of-State Defendants Pay Double")

In some cases, the amount of a financial obligation may be dependent on certain attributes of the case involved person. In this example, if the defendant is from out of state, the obligation created will be twice what a resident would pay, based on Driver License State.

Note: The FinancialObligation will only use the first statute entered in the CountTrigger. Subsequent statute records entered are ignored.

Caution: Before setting up a business rule with a financial obligation result:

  • Make sure a default collecting agency and default pay-to agency are set up for the type of financial obligation you are using in the Financial Obligation Type code table.
  • Make sure that the default collecting agency is an Account Owner in the Agency code table.
  • Make sure that the default collecting agency has default accounts created in the Agency Accounts Accounting Tools session.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select After Update. The business rule does not fire until after the trigger activity has been executed and the record has been saved.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. CountTrigger
  2. FinancialObligationResult

CountTrigger FinancialObligationResult business rule

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.





Perform a statute lookup to locate the applicable statute. (In this example, it could be any fee or fine involving the Driver License State of the defendant.)


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule is triggered by a charge involving the specified statute.





Select the applicable financial obligation type. In this example, select Base Fine.

Collecting Agency

Select the agency that will be collecting funds for the obligation, or leave this field blank to use the default agency for the Type already selected.

Calculated Override Amount (T-SQL)

This field can be used to enter a T-SQL calculation to specify an amount that will override the Default Amount and Simple Override Amount based on the specified data and variables.

In this example, the holder of a Utah driver's license pays one amount, and holders of other states' licenses pay twice that amount. To set up this query, type the following:


CASE na.DLState

WHEN 'UT' THEN 25.00

ELSE 50.00


FROM devCaseInvPers cip

INNER JOIN devInvolveType it ON it.Code = cip.Involvement

INNER JOIN devName na ON na.NameID = cip.NameID

WHERE cip.CaseID = @RootID

AND it.Mastercode = 1

Default Amount

This is the amount specified for each financial obligation in the Financial Obligations code table. This read-only section is auto-filled once you specify the financial obligation type. It will only be used if the Default Percent, Simple Override Amount, and Calculated Override Amount are blank.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The amount of the Base Fine is calculated based on the state from which the defendant has their license.

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select
case:Charge Insert, Update

This business rule would be triggered upon insertion or update of a case with the statute specified in the CountTrigger, and then a financial obligation would be created with the amount determined by the driver license state of the defendant ($25 for residents, $50 for out-of-state non-residents).

Note: The fields described above are specific to this example but are not the only fields relevant or required for a business rule of this type. Other fields are completed according to your preferences.

CountTrigger, Name Attribute Result ("Apply 'Registered Sex Offender' Attribute")

The NameAttributeResult activity can be used to apply a name attribute when something has triggered it. For example, the following trigger, result, and scheduled workflows apply a name attribute of "Registered Sex Offender" to any person charged with a sex offense.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select After Update. The business rule does not fire until after the trigger activity has been executed and the record has been saved.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. CountTrigger
  2. NameAttributeResult

Mark Sex Offenders as Registered Sex Offender business rule

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed. CountTrigger

Field Description
Statute Search for and select a first-degree sex offense. Only the first record entered in this field will be used.
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule is triggered when someone has been charged with a first-degree sex offense.




Name Attribute

Select Registered Sex Offender


Select Defendant.

Activity Type

Select Insert.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule will apply the name attribute of "Registered Sex Offender" to anyone charged with a first-degree sex offense.

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select
case:Charge Insert, Update

Each time a first-degree sex offense charge is added to a case, the defendant will be given the name attribute of Registered Sex Offender.

EventEngineTrigger/Result ("Generate Subpoena upon Scheduling Hearing")

Many common business rules include the automatic generation of a document in conjunction with an event. The following trigger, result, and business rule criteria would be specified to generate a subpoena for a witness involved in a case when a preliminary hearing is scheduled.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select After Update. The business rule does not fire until after the trigger activity has been executed and the record has been saved.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. EventEngineTrigger
  2. EventEngineResult

Event Engine Trigger business rule

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.




Event Type

Select Preliminary Hearing.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule is triggered by a preliminary hearing event record in the Events snap-in of a case record.





Select Subpoena with a Document CodeTypeDesc (code type description).


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The subpoena references the preliminary hearing as its parent event in the Parent Event field.

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select
case:Events OR event:Events Insert

A subpoena is generated and saved in the filing cabinet of the case when a preliminary hearing is scheduled.

EventEngineTrigger, Event Involved Person Result ("AddEventInvolvedPerson")

The EventInvPersResult can be configured to add an event involved person when an event is created. In this example, the following trigger, result, and non-scheduled workflows assign a bond forfeiture coordinator to a bond forfeiture event.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select After Update. The business rule does not fire until after the trigger activity has been executed and the record has been saved.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. EventEngineTrigger
  2. EventInvPersResult

Add Event Involved Person business rule

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.




Event Type

Select Bond Forfeiture.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule will trigger any time a bond forfeiture event is created.




Name ID

Select the name of the bond forfeiture coordinator.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule will assign the bond forfeiture coordinator as an event involved person.

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select
case:Charge Insert

The business rule assigns the bond forfeiture coordinator as an event involved person when any bond forfeiture events are inserted.

FinancialObligationTrigger, FinancialAllocateToObligationResult ("Add Financial Obligations and Automatically Allocate Funds")

The FinancialAllocateToObligationResult activity can be used to automatically allocate overpay and/or escrow funds to financial obligations when something has triggered it. For example, the following trigger and results add two financial obligations when a Base Fine is inserted. A declining balance is used, and the escrow and overpay funds are automatically allocated to the three financial obligations.

How declining balance is used in this example

In this example, a Base Fine of $100 is used as a trigger upon insertion. Two additional obligations (a $20 Court Fee and a $10 Crime Lab Fee) are added. Because declining balance is enabled with the trigger, the following actions occur in this order:

  1. The Base Fine is reduced to $80, and a $20 Court Fee is added.
  2. The Base Fine is reduced to $70, and a $10 Crime Lab Fee is added.
  3. The three obligations ($70 Base Fine, $20 Court Fee, and $10 Crime Lab Fee) are displayed, and allocations of existing funds are made to these obligations.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select After Update. The business rule does not fire until after the trigger activity has been executed and the record has been saved.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. FinancialObligationTrigger
  2. FinancialObligationResult1
  3. FinancialObligationResult2
  4. FinancialAllocateToObligationResult

Financial Obligation Result

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.





Specify the type of financial obligation that will trigger the event when added. In this example, select Base Fine.

Declining Balance

Select to show the declining balance in the case record. For example, if $20 of a $100 Base Fine is going to a Court Fee, the total balance would then be displayed as $80 if Declining Balance is selected.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule is triggered by a Base Fine.





Specify the type of financial obligation that will be added as a result of the trigger. In this example, select Court Fee.

Collecting Agency

Select the agency that will collect funds on this financial obligation. If left blank, the default agency for the Type selected above will be used. If there is no default set, an error will be displayed when the business rule is run and a default or Collecting Agency will need to be selected for this activity. If Agency Added By is selected, the agency specified in the Agency Added By field of the case in question will be used.

Simple Override Amount

The amount specified in this field will override the Default Amount (from ctblAmtDueType).

In this example, set the amount to $20.00.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

A $20 Court Fee is added as an obligation to a Base Fine.





Specify the type of financial obligation that will be added as a result of the trigger. In this example, select Crime Lab Fee.

Collecting Agency

Select the agency that will collect funds on this financial obligation. If left blank, the default agency for the Type selected above will be used. If there is no default set, an error will be displayed when the business rule is run and a default or Collecting Agency will need to be selected for this activity. If Agency Added By is selected, the agency specified in the Agency Added By field of the case in question will be used.

Simple Override Amount

The amount specified in this field will override the Default Amount (from ctblAmtDueType).

In this example, set the amount to $10.00.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

A $10 Crime Lab Fee is added to a Base Fine.




Allocate From

Specify the type(s) of funds to be assessed for possible allocation to existing financial obligations.

In this example, select (Select All).

Non-Client User for Batch Start Type

Because this business rule is not running as a batch, this field should be left blank.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule will automatically allocate escrow and overpay funds to the three financial obligations.

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select
case:Financials Insert

Each time the Base Fine is inserted, a Court Fee and Crime Lab Fee are added, and automatic allocations from existing funds are made to the obligations.

GetData, FinancialAllocateToObligationResult ("Check Obligation Due Dates and Allocate Funds")

Business rules can use the GetData activity to run a SQL search and return a list of financial obligations which can then be given to an activity to have automatic allocations applied. For example, the GetData function can be used to return cases with financial obligations that have a due date within the past 24 hours. A result can be set to automatically allocate funds to the financial obligations on those cases.

The following activity, result, and scheduled workflow find all cases that have financial obligations with a due date within the past 24 hours and allocate any related overpay or escrow funds to those obligations.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select Batch. The business rule runs as scheduled in the Batched Workflows snap-in.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. GetData
  2. FinancialAllocateToObligationResult

Get Data Business Rule

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.




Select String (T-SQL)

Type the following Select String to run a SQL query:




Name of Data Table

Type a name with no spaces.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

This string will run a query through SQL to find all cases that have financial obligations with a due date within the past 24 hours.




Allocate From

Specify the type(s) of funds to be assessed for possible allocation to existing financial obligations.

In this example, select (Select All).

Non-Client User for Batch Start Type

Because this business rule is running as a batch, a non-client user must be selected.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule will automatically allocate escrow and overpay funds to financial obligations that have a due date within the past 24 hours.

Batched Workflows Snap-in

Set up the schedule for the business rule to follow.

By using Batched Workflows you can set the business rule to run every day to find financial obligations and allocate funds.

GetData, NameObligationResult ("Add Annual Bar Fee Obligations")

Business rules can use the GetData activity to run a SQL search and return a list of names which can then be given to an activity to have name obligations applied. For example, the GetData function can be used to return names with particular name numbers associated with them. The data can then be coupled with a result that will add a name obligation to those names.

The following activity, result, and scheduled workflow find all names with "Bar Number" name numbers and add an "Annual Bar Fee" name obligation to them.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select Batch. The business rule runs as scheduled in the Batched Workflows snap-in.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. GetData
  2. NameObligationResult

Name Obligation Business Rule

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.




Select String (T-SQL)

Type the following Select String to run a SQL query:

SELECT NameID FROM devNameNumber WHERE NumberType = 'BAR'

Name of Data Table

Type a name with no spaces.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

This string will run a query through SQL to find all names that have a "Bar Number" (code: 'BAR') name number on them.


Field Description
Item Select the item type to assign to the obligation. In this example, it is Annual Bar Fee.
Quantity Select the quantity of the item type to sell through this obligation. In this example, type in 1.
Price Per Unit This will automatically fill in depending on the item type specified.
Agency Select the collecting agency for this obligation.
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule will now add a name obligation to each name found for 1 Annual Bar Fee.

Batched Workflows Snap-in

Set up the schedule for the business rule to follow.

By using Batched Workflows, you can set the rule to run on demand from the My JustWare Batch Workflow session when it becomes time to charge the fees.

GetData, ModifyEventActivity ("Close Open Events Remaining on Closed Cases")

Business rules can use the GetData activity to run a SQL search and return a list of values which can then be given to an activity to have changes and updates applied. For example, the GetData function can be used to return a case that has settled but still has a hearing scheduled. A result can be set up to automatically close that event when the case closes.

The following activities and scheduled workflows find all cases that have been closed but still have open future events, and close those events.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select Batch. The business rule runs as scheduled in the Batched Workflows snap-in.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. GetData
  2. ModifyEventActivity

getData modifyEventActivity business

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.




Select String (T-SQL)

Type the following Select String to run a SQL query:

select e.eventid from jw50_case c join

jw50_event e on c.CaseID = e.CaseID where e.EventTypeCodeType = 0

and c.CaseStatusCode = 'bclo' and (e.EventStatusMasterCode = 1 or

e.EventStatusMasterCode is null)


Ensure that the check box is selected.

This string will run a query through SQL to find all cases that have been closed but still have open future events.




Event Type

Select Cancelled.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

This activity will cancel all the open future events returned by the GetData activity.

Batched Workflows Snap-in

Set up the schedule for the business rule to follow.

By using Batched Workflows you can set the business rule to run every hour to find and close the events brought back by the SQL string.

IfElse, FinancialObligationResult ("Fine Per Count")

In this example, ifElse activities are used to determine the amount of a financial obligation based on the defendant's counts. The ifElse branches calculate how many counts the defendant is involved on, multiplies that number by 2, and enters a financial obligation for the amount of the result. It only includes charges that have a disposition of Guilty or No Contest.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select After Update. The business rule does not fire until after the trigger activity has been executed and the record has been saved.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

Branch1 Branch2 Branch3
IfElseBranch1 IfElseBranch2 IfElseBranch3
FinancialObligationResult1 FinancialObligationResult2

If Else Business Rule

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.

IfElse (This is the parent activity.)

Field Description
Name The default name for the activity auto-populates this field. To rename the activity, type a name with no spaces.
Description Type a description for the activity.
Active Select this check box to activate the specified activity. If this check box is cleared, the rest of the business rule will still run; only this activity will be disabled.

Add three branches to the parent activity.


  • IfElseBranch1




    Select Inserted Data.

    Snap-in Name

    Select case:Charge Involvements.

    Select String (.NET DataTable.Select)

    Type the following:

    Dispo = 'G' or Dispo = 'NOLO'


    Ensure that the check box is selected.

    The query returns cases with a disposition of Guilty or No Contest.

  • FinancialObligationResult1




    Select Fine.

    Collecting Agency

    Select the agency that will be collecting funds for the obligation, or leave this field blank to use the default agency for the Type already selected.

    Calculated Override Amount (T-SQL)

    This field can be used to enter a T-SQL calculation to specify an amount that will override the Default Amount and Simple Override Amount based on the specified data and variables.

    In this case, type the following:

    SELECT 2.00 * COUNT(*)

    FROM devCaseInvPers cip

    INNER JOIN devInvolveType it ON it.Code = cip.Involvement

    INNER JOIN devCountInvPers ccip ON ccip.CaseInvPersID = cip.CaseInvPersID

    INNER JOIN devCount ca ON ca.CountID = ccip.CountID

    WHERE cip.CaseID = @RootID

    AND it.Mastercode = 1

    AND ccip.Dispo IN ('G', 'NOLO')

    Default Amount

    This is the amount specified for each financial obligation in the Financial Obligations code table. This read-only section is auto-filled once you specify the financial obligation type. It will only be used if the Default Percent, Simple Override Amount, and Calculated Override Amount are blank.


    Ensure that the check box is selected.

    The number of counts is multiplied by two.


  • IfElseBranch2




    Select Inserted Data.

    Snap-in Name

    Select case:Charge Involvements.

    Select String (.NET DataTable.Select)

    Type the following:

    Dispo is NULL or Dispo  <\> 'G'
    or Dispo  <\> 'NOLO'


    Ensure that the check box is selected.

    The query returns cases with a disposition of Guilty or No Contest.

  • FinancialObligationResult2




    Select Fine.


    Ensure that the check box is selected.

    A Fine financial obligation is added.


  • IfElseBranch3

    No data needs to be entered in this branch. Its purpose is to avoid an infinite loop. If neither of the first two branches result in a financial obligation, this branch will allow the business rule to end.

    Ensure that the Active check box is selected.

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select

case:Charge Involvements Insert, Update

When run, the business rule looks at the charge involvements to determine how many financial obligations are due.

PhysicalLocationTrigger, EventEngineResult ("Close File Room Cases")

Business rules can be configured to generate an event when the physical location or the location of a case has been changed to a specified status. The following trigger, results, and non-batched workflows would be specified to change a case type to "Closed" when the physical location has been changed to a file room or when the location has been changed to the name record "John Smith."

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select After Update. The business rule does not fire until after the trigger activity has been executed and the record has been saved.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. PhysicalLocationTrigger
  2. EventEngineResult

Physical Location business rule

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed. PhysicalLocationTrigger




Select Smith, John.

Physical Location

Select File Room.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule is triggered when the physical location of any case is changed to a file room or when the location of a case is changed to John Smith.




Resulting Event Type

Select Closed.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The case type is changed to "Closed" when the physical location is changed to "File Room" or when the case location is changed to "John Smith."

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select

case:Location Insert, Update case:Physical Location Insert, Update

The business rule runs when the physical location or location is updated or inserted.

Multiple CompareAgainstStatuteAttribute Activities ("Compare Fields against Statute Attributes")

The CompareAgainstStatuteAttribute activity compares the value in a field to the value of a statute attribute. Your comparison statements should be created so that a "true" response executes the child activity and a "false" response executes the next activity. For example, the value in Field A is checked to see if it is less than the value in Attribute B. If Field A's value is less than Attribute B's value, this true response executes the child activity of this comparison activity.

In the following example, each CompareAgainstStatuteAttribute activity compares a field value to a statute attribute value. If the comparison generates a "false" response, the next comparison activity is executed. If the comparison generates a "true" response, the child activity (the Terminate activity) is executed.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select Before Update. The business rule fires before the database is updated.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. CompareAgainstStatuteAttribute1
    • Terminate1
  2. CompareAgainstStatuteAttribute2
    • Terminate2
  3. CompareAgainstStatuteAttribute3
    • Terminate3
  4. CompareAgainstStatuteAttribute4
    • Terminate4
  5. CompareAgainstStatuteAttribute5
    • Terminate5
  6. CompareAgainstStatuteAttribute6
    • Terminate6

Statute Attribute Validation Business Rule

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.




Snap-in Name

Select the Financials snap-in.

Field Name

Type in Amount.


Select the Less Than operator.


Select a statute attribute to use for the comparison. In this example, select Min Fine (Money).


Rename this activity to reflect the statute attribute being used. In this example, type MinimumFine.


If desired, type a description for this activity.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The value in the Amount field is compared to the statute attribute value of Min Fine (Money). If the comparison generates a "true" response, the Terminate child activity is executed. If the comparison generates  a "false" response, the next comparison activity is executed.




Terminate message

Type a message that will appear on the user's screen when this comparison activity is terminated.

Messages may include a value from a row using an @[row.fieldname] command. Additionally, any of the following can be used: @[StatuteDesc], @[StatuteAttributeValue], @[StatuteAttributeValueDesc], and @[StatuteAttributeTypeDesc].

In this example, type The amount of: @[row.Amount] is less than the minimum of: @[StatuteAttributeValue] for statute: @[StatuteDesc].


If desired, rename this activity. For example, type Minimum FineTermination.


If desired, type a description for this activity.


Ensure that the check box is selected.




Snap-in Name

Select the Financials snap-in.

Field Name

Type in Amount.


Select the Greater Than operator.


Select a statute attribute to use for the comparison. In this example, select Max Fine (Money).


Rename this activity to reflect the statute attribute being used. In this example, type MaximumFine.


If desired, type a description for this activity.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The value in the Amount field is compared to the statute attribute value of Max Fine (Money). If the comparison generates a "true" response, the Terminate child activity is executed. If the comparison generates  a "false" response, the next comparison activity is executed.




Terminate message

Type a message that will appear on the user's screen when this comparison activity is terminated.

Messages may include a value from a row using an @[row.fieldname] command. Additionally, any of the following can be used: @[StatuteDesc], @[StatuteAttributeValue], @[StatuteAttributeValueDesc], and @[StatuteAttributeTypeDesc].

In this example, type The amount of: @[row.Amount] is greater than the maximum of: @[StatuteAttributeValue] for statute: @[StatuteDesc].


If desired, rename this activity. For example, type MaximumFineTermination.


If desired, type a description for this activity.


Ensure that the check box is selected.




Snap-in Name

Select the Sentence snap-in.

Field Name

Type in AmountFrom.


Select the Less Than operator.


Select a statute attribute to use for the comparison. In this example, select Min Duration (Duration).


Rename this activity to reflect the statute attribute being used. In this example, type MinimumDuration.


If desired, type a description for this activity.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The AmountFrom value is compared to the statute attribute value of Min Duration (Duration). If the comparison generates a "true" response, the Terminate child activity is executed. If the comparison generates  a "false" response, the next comparison activity is executed.




Terminate message

Type a message that will appear on the user's screen when this comparison activity is terminated.

Messages may include a value from a row using an @[row.fieldname] command. Additionally, any of the following can be used: @[StatuteDesc], @[StatuteAttributeValue], @[StatuteAttributeValueDesc], and @[StatuteAttributeTypeDesc].

In this example, type The duration of: @[row.AmountFromDesc] is less than the minimum of: @[StatuteAttributeValueDesc] for statute: @[StatuteDesc].


If desired, rename this activity. For example, type MinimumDurationTermination.


If desired, type a description for this activity.


Ensure that the check box is selected.




Snap-in Name

Select the Sentence snap-in.

Field Name

Type in AmountFrom.


Select the Greater Than operator.


Select a statute attribute to use for the comparison. In this example, select Max Duration (Duration).


Rename this activity to reflect the statute attribute being used. In this example, type MaximumDuration.


If desired, type a description for this activity.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The AmountFrom value is compared to the statute attribute value of Max Duration (Duration). If the comparison generates a "true" response, the Terminate child activity is executed. If the comparison generates  a "false" response, the next comparison activity is executed.




Terminate message

Type a message that will appear on the user's screen when this comparison activity is terminated.

Messages may include a value from a row using an @[row.fieldname] command. Additionally, any of the following can be used: @[StatuteDesc], @[StatuteAttributeValue], @[StatuteAttributeValueDesc], and @[StatuteAttributeTypeDesc].

In this example, type The duration of: @[row.AmountFromDesc] is greater than the maximum of: @[StatuteAttributeValueDesc] for statute: @[StatuteDesc].


If desired, rename this activity. For example, type MaximumDurationTermination.


If desired, type a description for this activity.


Ensure that the check box is selected.




Snap-in Name

Select the Bonds snap-in.

Field Name

Type in Percent.


Select the Less Than operator.


Select a statute attribute to use for the comparison. In this example, select Min Percent (Numeric).


Rename this activity to reflect the statute attribute being used. In this example, type MinimumBondPercent.


If desired, type a description for this activity.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The value in the Percent field is compared to the statute attribute value of Min Percent (Numeric). If the comparison generates a "true" response, the Terminate child activity is executed. If the comparison generates  a "false" response, the next comparison activity is executed.




Terminate message

Type a message that will appear on the user's screen when this comparison activity is terminated.

Messages may include a value from a row using an @[row.fieldname] command. Additionally, any of the following can be used: @[StatuteDesc], @[StatuteAttributeValue], @[StatuteAttributeValueDesc], and @[StatuteAttributeTypeDesc].

In this example, type The amount of: @[row.Percentage] is less than the minimum of: @[StatuteAttributeValue] for statute: @[StatuteDesc].


If desired, rename this activity. For example, type MinimumBondPercentTermination .


If desired, type a description for this activity.


Ensure that the check box is selected.




Snap-in Name

Select the Bonds snap-in.

Field Name

Type in Percent.


Select the Greater Than operator.


Select a statute attribute to use for the comparison. In this example, select Max Percent (Numeric).


Rename this activity to reflect the statute attribute being used. In this example, type MaximumBondPercent.


If desired, type a description for this activity.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

The value in the Percent field is compared to the statute attribute value of Max Percent (Numeric). If the comparison generates a "true" response, the Terminate child activity is executed. If the comparison generates a "false" response, the business rule ends.




Terminate message

Type a message that will appear on the user's screen when this comparison activity is terminated.

Messages may include a value from a row using an @[row.fieldname] command. Additionally, any of the following can be used: @[StatuteDesc], @[StatuteAttributeValue], @[StatuteAttributeValueDesc], and @[StatuteAttributeTypeDesc].

In this example, type The amount of: @[row.Percentage] is greater than the maximum of: @[StatuteAttributeValue] for statute: @[StatuteDesc].


If desired, rename this activity. For example, type MaximumBondPercentTermination .


If desired, type a description for this activity.


Ensure that the check box is selected.


This activity can be used with an IfElse activity to specify which field value types are compared. For example, you can specify that the minimum and maximum fine amounts are appplied to a base fine but not to a court fee.

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select
case:Bonds Insert
case:Financials Insert
case:Sentence Insert

The business rule is run every time the field values are inserted in the Bonds, Financials, or Sentence snap-ins.

Multiple Result EventEngineTrigger/Result ("Generate FTA Warrant")

Business rules can have only one trigger, but they can have multiple results. For example, if a client has an appointment with a probation officer, once the event status is changed to "Completed," a business rule can automatically schedule the next week's appointment with an EventEngineResult and also create a financial obligation for the next week's appointment with a FinancialObligationResult.

In the following example, a trigger, results, and business rule criteria both generate a warrant and change the status of the case to "warrant" when the status of an arraignment is changed to "failure to appear."

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select After Update. The business rule does not fire until after the trigger activity has been executed and the record has been saved.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. EventEngineTrigger
  2. EventEngineResult1
  3. EventEngineResult2

Multiple result business rule

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed. EventEngineTrigger

Field Description
Event Type Select Arraignment.
Event Status Select Failure to appear.
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule is triggered when the event status of an arraignment event is updated to "Failure to Appear."


Field Description
Resulting Event Type Select Warrant Issued with an Event CodeTypeDesc (code type description).
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

A warrant is generated and saved in the filing cabinet of the case when the status of an arraignment is updated to "Failure to Appear."


Field Description
Resulting Event Type Select Warrant with a Case Status CodeTypeDesc (code type description).
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

The case status is changed to "Warrant."

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select

case:Events OR event:Events Update

When the status of an arraignment is updated to "Failure to Appear," a warrant is generated, and the statuts of the arrangement is changed to "Warrant."

Tip: A useful business rule similar to the above would be to change the status of a case to "warrant" when a user generates a warrant document in the filing cabinet of a case.

Multiple Business Rules, Complex Workflow ("Bad Check Program")

In many cases, the automation of a specific office workflow procedure or process requires more than one business rule. The following scenario uses three multiple-result business rules to automate a Bad Check Program:

Bad Check Business Rule 1

The first step of the process begins when a dishonored check is submitted to the Bad Check Program. At this time, a user schedules a First Notice event for four weeks from the current date. This event triggers the first business rule, creating a First Notice document to be sent to the person responsible for the dishonored check and a Dishonored Check financial obligation, or fine.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select After Update. The business rule does not fire until after the trigger activity has been executed and the record has been saved.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. EventEngineTrigger
  2. EventEngineResult
  3. FinancialObligationResult

Business Rule with Multiple Rules

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.


Field Description
Resulting Event Type Select First Notice.
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule is triggered when a "First Notice" event record is inserted in the Events snap-in of a case record.


Field Description
Type Select First Notice with a Document CodeTypeDesc (code type description).
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

A "First Notice" document is generated and saved in the filing cabinet of the case when a "First Notice" event is scheduled.





Select Dishonored Check.

Note: The Default Amount field auto-populates based on your agency's financial obligation codes and settings. See the Financial Obligation Type code table.


Ensure that the check box is selected.

A Dishonored Check financial obligation is created.

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select

case:Events OR event:Events Insert

When a First Notice event record is inserted, a "First Notice" document is generated and saved in the filing cabinet, and a Dishonored Check financial obligation is created.

Caution: Before setting up a business rule with a financial obligation result:

  • Make sure a default collecting agency is set up for the type of financial obligation you are using in the Financial Obligation Type code table.
  • Make sure and that the default collecting agency is an Account Owner in the Agency code table.
  • Make sure that the default collecting agency has default accounts created in the Agency Accounts Accounting Tools session.

Bad Check Business Rule 2

The second step of the process begins when the First Notice event is due. If the payor has not settled the bad check, a user changes the status of the First Notice event to Delinquent. This event status change triggers the second business rule, creating a Second Notice event, scheduled for two weeks from the current date, and creating a Second Notice document to be sent to the person responsible for the dishonored check.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select After Update. The business rule does not fire until after the trigger activity has been executed and the record has been saved.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. EventEngineTrigger
  2. EventEngineResult1
  3. EventEngineResult2

Multiple Business Rules 2

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.


Field Description
Event Type Select First Notice.
Event Status Select Delinquent.
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule is triggered when the status of a First Notice event record is updated to Delinquent in the Events snap-in of a case record.


Field Description
Resulting Event Type Select Second Notice.
Result Offset Select After 2 weeks in the Event Offset editor.
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

A Second Notice event record is created when the status of a First Notice event is updated to Delinquent.


Field Description
Resulting Event Type Select Second Notice with a Document CodeTypeDesc (code type description).
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

A "Second Notice" document is generated and saved in the filing cabinet.

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select

case:Events OR event:Events Update

When the status of a First Notice event is updated to Delinquent, a Second Notice event record is created, and a Second Notice document is generated and saved in the filing cabinet of the case.

Bad Check Business Rule 3

The third step of the process begins when the Second Notice event is due. If the payor has not settled the bad check, a user changes the status of the Second Notice event to Delinquent. This event status change triggers the third business rule, creating a subpoena document to be sent to the person responsible for the dishonored check. A Bank Notice event is also scheduled for four weeks from the current date.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select After Update. The business rule does not fire until after the trigger activity has been executed and the record has been saved.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. EventEngineTrigger
  2. EventEngineResult1
  3. EventEngineResult2

Business Rule with Multiple Activities

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.


Field Description
Event Type Select Second Notice.
Event Status Select Delinquent.
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule is triggered when the status of a Second Notice event record is updated to Delinquent in the Events snap-in of a case record.


Field Description
Resulting Event Type Select Subpoena with a Document CodeTypeDesc (code type description).
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.
Field Description
Resulting Event Type Select Bank Notice.
Result Offset Select After 4 weeks in the Event Offset editor.
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

A Bank Notice event is scheduled for four weeks later.

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select
case:Events OR event:Events Update

When the status of a Second Notice event is updated to Delinquent, a subpoena document is generated and saved in the filing cabinet, and a Bank Notice event is scheduled for four weeks later.

Further business rules can be created for later steps in the bad checks process, automating several steps that would otherwise be tedious. Setting up automatic universal event email or pop-up reminders would further automate this process by letting users know when each event is due.

FolderResult ("Create Basic Case Folder Structure")

The FolderResult activity can be configured to add any number of folders to a case when it is create or updated.

Business Rule Editor Snap-in

To begin, set the following fields in the Business Rule Editor snap-in:

Field Description
Start Type Select After Update. The business rule does not fire until after the trigger activity has been executed and the record has been saved.
Workflow Name Type a name for the rule to make it easier to refer to in the future.
Active Select this box to enable this business rule.
Wait for Execution Select this box to wait until the business rule's execution is completed before running the workflow.
Execution Type Specify whether to run the business rule after saves from JustWare, JusticeBroker, and/or the JustWare API. All options are selected by default.

Workflow Editor and Activity Pane

Drag and drop activities from the Activity Pane into the Workflow Editor to create the business rule. In this example, use the following activities in this order:

  1. CaseStatusTrigger
  2. FolderResult

  3. FolderResult

Case Involved Person Result business rule

Activity Configuration Snap-in

Configure each activity of the business rule as follows. Complete optional fields as needed.


Field Description
Case Status Select Open.
Case Type Select Criminal
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

The business rule will trigger when a case is set to a Case Status of Open.


Field Description
FolderName Type in "Subpoena"
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.


Field Description
FolderName Type in "Images\Crime Scene Photos"
Active Ensure that the check box is selected.

The Folder Result will add a folder named Subpoena to the root of the filing cabinet.

Non-batched Workflows Snap-in

Set the workflow as follows:

Snap-in Name Check Box(es) to Select
case:Information Insert, Update

The business rule adds the specified folders to any cases that is changed to the status of "Open".